With her leaving, I don’t need to rent this massive apartment in the city when I have my village home. So last September, I notified my tenants that they were to move out. September became October, and before you could even say slower than a herd of snails travelling through peanut bu...
Of course you don’t need a kit to do it. Just go to Etsy and you will see plenty of abstract art pieces made of Lego for inspiration, like this piece here shown below: Neat! Now all you need is a pile of old Lego. I have just the thing in the basement from when my kids wer...
At the end of the day, we need to stop treating marriage as an inevitable destination rather than the equal-opportunities choice in our lives we have fought – and still fight – for it to become. If you like it, put a ring on it. Or not. And that should be nobodies’ business but...
” On this blog and on social media I preferred to be an actor first, focus on career related things… and every once in a while toss in an obscure movie reference, mention that I need to go play D&D, or talk aboutIron Man. But that was not very authentic in how much of my ...
Each one of you can do the way you can or want. In my case I like to Give away (Donate) free. Some of you might need a little bit of cash to buy new, so sell, so that would be all right, as money is not easy to come by. You can buy fewer things how you need 🙂 ...
Rich asked me to write a letter like it’s in the future and I need to provide career advice to my son Owen who would then be a grown up. Frankly speaking, it’s a terrible idea. But I am not one to renege* on my promises*, so here’s something sort of resembling what he ask...
Whether you need a powerful option to run professional programs like theiPad Proor a portable device to upload your books like theiPad Mini, an iPad will carry you far in your college career. What's the best iPad for college students right now?
vue-foundation A demo app integrating VueJS with Zurb Foundation, built using the webpack vue-cli f aspnetcore-Vue-starter A VueJS 2 starter template as part of an asp.net MVC dotnetcore project. This template includes the VueJS client app and a backend API controller. vue-reddit-app A...
I'm a new member here... I just really have a simple question thats why I became a member...but my question is...to get a job in this field do I need a...
A Trainee Forest Ranger who is under the tutelage of Tighnari. She started her academic career a little later than her peers, so she is currently working hard to catch up.She hides the other side of her personality deep under the surface of optimism and