America has deep problems, to be sure. Which is why we can’t give up on it – or give up the fights for social justice, equal political rights, equal opportunity and the rule of law. The forces of Tr*mpian repression and neofascism would like nothing better than for us to give up...
When the underlying network loses a lot of data, the rate of retransmission can be very high, and delivered MPI performance will suffer accordingly. Increasing synchronization between senders and receivers by lowering the TCP rendezvous threshold with MPI_TCP_RENDVSIZE might help in certain cases. ...
When the underlying network loses a lot of data, the rate of retransmission can be very high, and delivered MPI performance will suffer accordingly. Increasing synchronization between senders and receivers by lowering the TCP rendezvous threshold with MPI_TCP_RENDVSIZE might help in certain cases. ...
The jet four-momentum is corrected using pT- and η-dependent scale factors, which account for the calorime- ter's non-compensating response, signal losses due to noise threshold effects, energy lost in passive materials, and contri- butions from pile-up interactions [67]. The absolute value...