Reddit saved me after my dad died Sometimes you find comfort in the place you'd least expect by Dylan Haas My dad died on a September afternoon, while I was going through the motions of another boring lunch shift as the maître d' at a bougie hotel restaurant in the Financial District...
No doubt at some point it will appear on Reddit, 4chan, and who knows where else. It’s very hard to deal with trolls when you have people on one platform (e.g. Twitter) trying to control things, yet you can have social groups planning raids, etc. on other platforms. Three ...
I wrote follow-up stories, such as: Why I Bought Facebook IPO Shares Today and Why I Dumped My Facebook IPO Shares at the Open Today, to keep this thing going. 4. Don’t Miss The Window. I did an interview with The Independent at 4AM EST on Wednesday morning. Why? Because if ...
If I lost everything and was told by insurers to go out and replace things, what are the things I really miss that I would go out a get right away? That led me to come up with this list. It’s not my answers to the Proust Questionnaire, but it was much fun to do and equally...
New stations are featuring the hunt, Reddit communities are buzzing with collaborations, and our inboxes are getting quite a bit of messages from treasure hunters wondering if they'll stumble on a new clue. While we don't have any information about the location of the treasure chests or any...
2024-04-09: Miss Mackenzie by Anthony Trollope (***). 432 pages. Published in 1865. 2024-04-06: Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata (***). 172 pages. Published in 2016. 2024-04-02: Plagues upon the Earth: Disease and the Course of Human History by Kyle Harper (***). 704...
Reddit Share Print The anxiety of stalling and standing still Anxiety and inertia It’s been 4 months since my last post, and many times over those months, I have experienced anxiety about lost momentum and inertia. I have not only felt the guilt of ‘not doing’, but the fear of immine...
Hit-or-miss response times The Rabbit R1 is typically pretty quick, answering my queries in less than two seconds. However, the response times with the Vision feature can be slower. At times, the Rabbit R1 appears to finish a complete thought, making me to think that it's done speaking....
It’s Been Two Years And I Still Miss My DadNovember 17, 2016 — 7 Comments The other morning I saw MedFlight in the sky while I was driving to work.It jogged my memory of when my dad was in the hospital recovering from heart surgery in July of 2014. Not because he had to be ...
PRE-ORDER MY BOOK, DAD TRUTHS Dad Truths is your antidote to the aspirational parenting craze; this collection of laugh-out-loud stories and non-advice