I Miss My Bar是一个可以在线模拟酒吧氛围的服务,网站通过Spotify提供了一些适合酒吧播出的音乐作为酒吧氛围的主背景乐,同时提供了酒吧场景常见的环境声音,包括:调酒师工作,交谈声,雨滴声,夜间气氛,饮料供应,街道气氛等。使用者可以根据喜好调整每种环境声音的大小,从而营造出身临其境的酒吧氛围。 接上你的音箱,在聚...
I Miss My Bar的特点和优势在于它的高度仿真和丰富的功能。这个在线酒吧模拟器提供了目前流行的Spotify音乐清单,使用户可以根据自己的喜好选择不同的音乐,使酒吧的体验更加真实。 另一个令人称赞的功能是酒吧特有的音效。I Miss My Bar不仅模拟了酒吧的环境噪音,如人声鼎沸、杯盏交错等,还特别设计了调酒师、酒吧交谈...
在线营造酒吧氛围-I miss my bar 优雅的白噪声!网站提供了酒吧里多种常见的环境声音,根据喜好可以调整每种声音的大小,从而构造出和谐舒适、身临其境的氛围。 传送门 已挂 方法 三角形控制声音是否播放,拖动条控制声音大小。几种声音从上到下分别是:调酒师工作,人们说话,房间充满,雨落在窗户上,夜间气氛,饮料供应...
I Miss My Bar ‘I Miss My Bar’ perfectly captures late-night sounds for everyone desperately missing nightlife It will make you smile. It might also make you cry. advertisement LatestI Miss My BarNews advertisement
Of all the things we're missing during these strange times, a trip to the local watering hole is near the top. A project of Maverick, a cocktail bar in Monterrey, Mexico, I Miss My Bar aims to recreate the ambiance of a crowded spot via audio. Tracks containing the sounds of bartender...
I Miss MY Bar Mista Vicious专辑:Legacy, Vol. 1流派:嘻哈/说唱 立即播放 收藏 分享 下载歌曲 作曲:Robert Samuel Jeffery 作词:Robert Samuel Jeffery 暂无歌词 同歌手歌曲 R.O.BMista Vicious Lifestyle LovelyMista Vicious Dear AmerikkaMista Vicious Let's RideMista Vicious,Ikethewrita What I've...
i really haven t i really like that so i really loved i really miss driving i really put myself o i really shouldnt mis i really try to under i really wanna make t i really wanted to th i recommend using wha i refueling i regret making mista i relaxed and happy i released the bal...
I Miss My Cafe 1 Cut to the Feelin... Elijah Mann 0:30 2 World Spins Madly... The Weepies 0:30 3 Dawning on Me Tuck & Friends 0:30 4 How Sweet It Is Stephen Day 0:30 5 Bookstore Girl Charlie Burg 0:30 6 Sober - Acoustic ...
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Mark Steiner - I Miss the Bar 专辑: Songs for People Who Miss the Bar 歌手:Mark Steiner 还没有歌词哦Mark Steiner - I Miss the Bar / 已添加到播放列表 1 播放队列/1 1 I Miss the Bar Mark Steiner 03:43Mac版酷狗音乐已更新 就是歌多 ...