i-MiEV的车型名称来源于三菱汽车独立开发的MiEV技术,就是Mitsubishi轮内马达电动车的缩写(MitsubishiIn-wheelmotorElectricVehicle)。 缺点: 不过在量产车型上,考虑到单马达系统已足敷日常动力需求与降低量产成本,取消先前ColtEV与EvoMIEV两款电动概念车所搭载的轮内马达技术,改为后置电动马达与后驱设定。
而U-CAR透过中华汽车的安排下,在东京车展前夕,在东京亲身体验由i轻型车系所衍生的环保电动车-i MiEV,以贴近了解Mitsubishi在电动车的最新发展进程。 i MiEV外观 U-CAR透过中华汽车的安排下,在东京车展前夕,在东京亲身体验由i轻型车系所衍生的环保电动车-i MiEV,以贴近了解Mitsubishi在电动车的最新发展进程。 根据M...
See how Mitsubishi's i-MiEV Electric Car helped inspire the EV car market today, get facts about the i-MiEV's performance & learn about Mitsubishi's future.
i-MiEV的命名原本是来自于轮内电机(In-wheel motor Electric Vehicle)而来,其优点是因电机结构轻巧,且传输距离短,自然能减少能量的消耗。 不过考量到i-MiEV的车型及成本,三菱最后仍决定采用较为简单的单电机系统作动力,以后置电机、后轮驱动的方式,省却转动轴及差速器,以减少动能的耗损及成本,提升车辆的动能反应,也...
另外,i MiEV在传动设计变更的考虑,原厂人员亦有说明。Mitsubishi独立开发的MiEV技术,就是Mitsubishi轮内马达电动车的缩写 (Mitsubishi In-wheel motor Electric Vehicle) ,不过,针对轻型自动车所开发的i MiEV,在考虑到单马达系统已足敷日常动力需求与降低量产成本,取消先前Colt EV与Evo MIEV两款电动概念车所搭载的轮...
For future developments the knowledge of the current state-of-the-art of these electric cars is of great importance. Therefore, the Forschungsgesellschaft Kraftfahrwesen mbH Aachen (fka) analysed one of the first series-production electric vehicles, the small passenger car Mitsubishi i-MiEV, ...
It's tiny, it's not fast, and it'll be Lexus-expensive when it arrives late in 2011, but we're okay with this take on future commuting.
三菱电动车历史与i-MiEV -the product March 2009
Electric Car » MITSUBISHI IMIEV electric car HORN SHORT来源: Freesound 前往原页面 查看译文 作者: jakobthiesen 许可: CC-BY 保留署名许可协议 描述: electric car HORN SHORTinfoielectricars.cahttp://www.ielectricars.ca 标签: HORN electric SHORT car ...
Electric Car » MITSUBISHI IMIEV electric car POWER WINDOW roll up int来源: Freesound 前往原页面 查看译文 作者: jakobthiesen 许可: CC-BY 保留署名许可协议 描述: electric car POWER WINDOW roll up infoielectricars.cahttp://www.ielectricars.ca...