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the trolley type wate the trouble the truck driver frie the true hero the true love youll f the true vine the truenamer the truth about china the truth about twitt the truth main theme the truth that you le the tset method for e the tsang lang poetry the tuesday before la the ture...
tell me about qs tell me about the wor tell me how can i go tell me how could i g tell me how i love yo tell me if you like i tell me its not real tell me just what you tell me so ill know tell me sweetie tell me that there is tell me way tell me what to say s tell...
81HHDv69yEIVhZY5jsD4Roy58tiInn7eM4TsJUEo8m9BlPArA6Io7cvFE6bnFM0ObjDJwsmhtbkZ JzQo5pWerUNo/5XHyzlpaHuJIDnJJsSp9mEuT4gp+OKqeTDuHLcV1QBMIogr82nVHNKBx7fxPLAw 8sSJaBCbGUawucoCkx+Eo5kGdaHHuHAtTLWoK0rL31qnZ3p9ex1VgdlcvMo0M3MXPcA43M8XeTjo H8YTRVCjCP9qxPGC0iVnZ7Vu0wvW24msscuWmMCR3X5...
26.Wliatdoestheimdeiiiiiedword“optimize“inPara.4mean? A.LimitB.Decorate. C.Setaside.D.Makefulluseof. 27.Wliatwouldbediscussedillthefollowingpaiagiaph? A.Pricecontrolsonthehousingmaiket. B.ExanAlesofmiao-flatsillotha*areas. C.Wliymanyoldpeopleprefermiao-flats. ...
‘‘Even if I find a way to love someone else, they’ll always have to share my heart with you。 They’ll never have all of me, because a part of me belongs to you。‘‘this is one of the most underrated romance series。 the first book left me staring at the wall at 4am and ...
A:WhatdoyoulikebestabouttheDragonBoatFestival? B:Ilovetheraces.Ithinktheyrefuntowatch. Step5PairWork A:Whatdoyoulikebestaboutthe...? B:Ilovethe...Ithinkthattheyre... Step6Listening 1.2aListentotheconversationbetweenWuMingandHarryandcirclethecorrect wordsinsentences. Pre-listening Lookatsentencesand...
以及第三段This kind of "parasocial relationship" (准社交关系) has long roots in media.Radio characters like Lonesome Gal started her program with, "Sweetie,I love you," speaking directly to her listeners in the the 1950s.Each individual felt he had her undivided attention....