and this documentary does not gloss over those. Barney bashing of course is covered but it is not too in your face. Also, the interviews are stellar and I'm sure you'll learn something you did not know before about Barney. Everyone has a special character they love, and for many it'...
The first piece was this meme that I’m sure someone made and he thought was funny with his face and “Guard that Pussy”. At least I hope with all of my heart that he thought it was funny and didn’t un-ironically send that to a lady friend because if anyone ever seriously sent ...
“Not when you love every morning, not when you think that this might be the day when she finally cares for you, when she finally sees you and loves you. Not when you think all this, only to have it all come crashing down, everything you expected destroyed at the end of the day....
1184 Patrick Star 1185 < blank > 1186 CHD.CHEN 1187 zcs 1188 TommyGun 1189 高手 1190 Somnus、Y 1191 正义的伙伴 1192 KIKIKI 1193 czy 1194 翔神 1195 koko纳特 1196 m0NESY 1197 ^-^ 1or3 1198 我们还行吧! 1199 丙丙的保护神 1200 Just_Silly 1201 精神病人 1202 爱吃寂寞人 1203 For Fun ...
That’s when I learned you didn’t need to be a science nerd to love Star Trek. You can be a budding socialist who dreams of a better future where exploration replaces militarism, money doesn’t exist, machines create all the food and other necessities you need, and women in authority ...
though. The meme of the tortured writer completely at the whims of “the muse”, only able to write in fractured moments, adrift in the ether… that’s bullshit. The fact of the matter is that human beings (all human beings – yes, even you) are creatures of habit. Most of us, hav...
Meme 0280 Man with a Movie Camera 0081 Middle of the Earth 0011 The New Ice Age 0137 Not a Love Story 0591,0593,0594 The Paramount Stock Purchase of 1929 0306 The Promised Land 0174 Red River 0400,0401, 0408, 0410, 0415 Sigmund Freud's Dora 0450 The Song of the Shirt 0370, 0382 ...
There was also a Twitter meme with the hashtag #takeupspace inviting a feminist Lenten practice of refusing to be small in order to make someone else comfortable. Sit comfortably, use the armrest, cross your legs, throw an elbow on the empty seat next to you. Women have a right to exist...
Suffice to say – plus ca change plus c’est la meme chose. We learn about both rumtopfs and rumtops and have a brilliant few days together before we head off again south in forty mile winds until reaching said goat farm. France Passion is an initiative whereby farmers, vineyard owners ...