外部播放此歌曲> The Hymn Ensemble - To You, O Lord, I Lift My Soul 专辑:The Lord is My Light and Salvation 歌手:The Hymn Ensemble 还没有歌词哦
迦南诗歌 所属专辑: 迦南诗选 – 十字架的爱 主啊我赞美祢 因为祢拣选了我 在这茫茫的人海中 是祢把我找寻 主啊我赞美祢 因为祢爱了我 祢的爱充满整个宇宙 充满整个山河 祢的爱曾拯救多少人 祢的爱曾激励我们去生活 谁不向祢屈身下拜 谁不向祢高唱赞歌 我们伟大的神啊 我们伟大的上...
As The Deer / I Love You LordPraise Hymn Soundtracks
No. 84 Alternative S$ 1.28 The CardigansLovefool No. 85 Alternative S$ 1.48 League of Legends Music & Against The CurrentLegends Never Die No. 86 Alternative S$ 1.48 My Chemical RomanceThe Ghost of You No. 87 Alternative S$ 1.48 Lord HuronThe Night We Met ...
English LyricsChinese Lyrics 中文歌词I love to tell the story Of unseen things above Of Jesus and his glory Of Jesus and his love I love to tell the story Because I know 'tis true It satisfies my longings As nothing else can do I love to tell the story '
I LOVE YOU LORD MATT MAHER I love you, Lord. I love you, Lord. I love you, Lord; you are my strength. My heart, it longs to be with you and nothing else will ever do. So at your throne is where I'll be, where your flesh and blood consumes me and I am one with you. ...
Lord, I believe. Lord you are faithful. I believe. You are well able. I believe. You will surely do it. I believe. Lord all that You say will surely come to pass. Nothing is too hard for You and You love me truly. All You say You will do You will do. I believe. Amen ...
LaHaie's son Taylor is credited with breathing new life into this hymn. This song anticipates the day "when the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea," and it's a call to hasten that day by bringing the message of new life in...