SN和IG大乱斗的三场比赛将夏季赛战场引向高潮,IG取得胜利后,不止LPL赛区的玩家,就连国外的网友也被Forge惊叹住了,国外最大社交论坛Reddit日前被IG战胜SN的帖子刷屏,其中有关于Forge的更是不计其数,随着时间的流逝,Forge的一篇“I Love Forge”热度已经超过IG。 当我们打开这篇喜欢Forge的主题帖后,国外的网友在每...
I'm working hard to be like them. Fuck side projects. If you love doing them, great! Even if I had the time to do side-projects, I'm too damn busy writing drunken posts on reddit Algorithms and data strictures are important--to a point. I don't see pharmacist interviews test ...
For one thing, I love the idea of it. The viewer is on the precipice of entering the painting in their car. If you have ever driven on such a road, you can easily imagine going down the hill and merging with the traffic and then heading over the horizon. Flodberg has positioned the...
(Image via Reddit) 1 Comment Posted inadvice Taggedadvice,Monday,mondays,work How to simply merge PDF files on a Mac for free with no additional software Posted onApril 15, 2024|Comments Off If you want to merge PDF files on a Mac, you might be tempted to use a tool likewww.ilovepdf...
shuding/nextra - Simple, powerful and flexible site generation framework with everything you love from Next.js. drashland/drash - A microframework for building JavaScript HTTP applications. Runtime-agnostic. Strongly typed. backstage/backstage - Backstage is an open framework for building developer ...
A Trainee Forest Ranger who is under the tutelage of Tighnari. She started her academic career a little later than her peers, so she is currently working hard to catch up.She hides the other side of her personality deep under the surface of optimism and
Love poems of all kinds. Romantic, erotic, short, long, sad, teen love poetry, more. Find your words of love. If Not For You If not for you, I wouldn’t know What true love really meant. I’d never feel this inner peace;
10. My favorite stone is a piece of pyrite that I received from my grandma. She had it in her cabinet along with other jewelry and ornaments. At the time, I was 9 years old and completely fell in love with that piece. I couldn't believe it was natural, and it sparked my enthusiasm...
This moment came gradually this month as Reddit exploded one of my articles (this one) past 100,000 hits. And trust me, I’m incredibly grateful that I could help so many people experience such an amazing comic book story. I truly hope the readers reignited their comic book love or ...
I’d love to meet the “passionate” HR wonk that wrote this job description. Of course, it might have been the hiring manager. [Note: The link above is to a copy of the job posting. The direct URL, which is active at time of this publication, is