Compress video without losing quality using ilovemp4 compressor. How it works? Select a tool Choose your video. Choose a file in any format: mp4, avi, mp3... Choose a target Click on convert Wait for it to end. Your file will be downloaded automatically. ...
Free Offers In-App Purchases ScreenshotsDescription Large videos often take quite a lot of storage space on your Mac. Do not worry, iLove Video Compressor can help you to reduce the size of your videos. After shrinking using this application, your videos will be slimmer which save more space...
Large videos often take quite a lot of storage space on your Mac. Do not worry, iLove Video Compressor can help you to reduce the size of your videos. After shrinking using this application, your videos will be slimmer which save more space for you. Compressing video with ‘iLove Video ...
PrevizualizareApp Store Video Compressor : ConverterMai multe de același dezvoltator Photo Compress & Resize Images Utilitare 二维码生成器-扫描识别制作器
iLove Video Compressor Mac破解版是一款视频压缩软件,可以快速减小视频文件的大小。使用此应用程序缩小后,您的视频将更纤细,为您节省更多空间。使用“ iLove视频压缩器”压缩视频非常容易。只需将视频添加到应用程序,拖动以设置压缩率,然后保存成品即可。
大型视频通常会在Mac上占用大量存储空间。不用担心,iLove Video Compressor可以帮助您减小视频的大小。使用此应用程序缩小后,您的视频将更纤细,为您节省更多空间。 使用“ iLove视频压缩器”压缩视频非常容易。只需将视频添加到应用程序,拖动以设置压缩率,然后保存成品即可。听起来很棒吗?试试!
支持系统 OS X 10.6.6 价格 30 下载次数 210 官方网站 访问 Large videos often take quite a lot of storage space on your Mac. Do not worry, iLove Video Compressor can help you to reduce the size of your videos. After shrinking using this application, your videos will be slimmer which save...
大型视频通常会在Mac上占用大量存储空间。不用担心,iLove Video Compressor可以帮助您减小视频的大小。使用此应用程序缩小后,您的视频将更纤细,为您节省更多空间。 使用“ iLove视频压缩器”压缩视频非常容易。只需将视频添加到应用程序,拖动以设置压缩率,然后保存成品即可。听起来很棒吗?试试!
IAVIStream 介面支援在檔案內建立及操作數據流。 除了下列自定義方法::\_ 之外,使用 IUnknown::QueryInterface、IUnknown::AddRef、IUnknown::Release
2024/03/14 反馈 本文内容 语法 参数 返回值 注解 显示另外 2 个 CreateStream方法创建用于写入的流。 当应用程序使用AVIFileCreateStream函数时调用。 语法 C++ HRESULTCreateStream( PAVISTREAM *ppStream, AVISTREAMINFOW *psi ); 参数 ppStream 指向缓冲区的指针,该缓冲区接收指向新流的接口的指针。