My dad had to go to Salt Lake City to buy our next van as no car dealerships in Elko had any, in spite of the many large Catholic and LDS families living there. But in Utah, under the tutelage of multi-level marketing schemes—MLM’s—the dealerships were catching on to this fast-...
I famously had this song on repeat on the drive to LDS Hospital to give birth, and it’s peculiar hum became a bridge that I would return to often during those first few months when I was trying to square my life before I knew her to the life now defined by being in love with her...
I was taught by the leadership that I might be cursed for the rest of my life if I left the mormon church, but it wasn’t right for me (a woman who needed to divorce and to work outside of the home to support her children). I love myself and my daughters too much to stay in...
I love them. Main Street, by Sinclair Lewis. I’ve been a fan of Lewis since high school and enjoyed this one once I got into it (which took some doing). I was fascinated by the depiction of small-town life a century ago, especially small-town life for a bored housewife. I’m ...