绘本《I Love Saturdays y Domingos》,Atheneum Books for Young Readers 绘本内容 内容简介 Saturdays and Sundays are very special days for the child in this story. On Saturdays, she visits Grandma and Grandpa, who come from a European-American background, and on Sundays — los domingos — she v...
ILoveSaturdaysydomingos.PDF,I Love Saturdays y domingos by Alma Flor Ada illustrated by Claudia Degliuomini Saturdays and Sundays are my special days. I call Sundays domingos, and you’ll soon see why. On Saturdays, I go visit Grandpa and Grandma. I spen
内容简介:Saturdays and Sundays are very special days for the child in this story. On Saturdays, she visits Grandma and Grandpa, who come from a European-American background, and on Sundays -- los domingos -- she visits Abuelito y Abuelita, who are Mexican-American. While the two sets of ...
How to Teach It:I am going to read a book titledI Love Saturdays y Domingosby Alma Flor Ada. It is about a bilingual girl who has two sets of grandparents that are very different, but she loves them each the same. Listen for the similarities and differences that her two sets of grand...
ILove Saturdays ydomingos byAlmaFlorAda illustratedbyClaudiaDegliuomini SaturdaysandSundaysaremyspecialdays. IcallSundaysdomingos,andyou’llsoonseewhy. OnSaturdays,IgovisitGrandpaandGrandma. GrandpaandGrandmaaremyfather’sparents. Theyarealwayshappytoseeme. Isay,“Hi,Grandpa!Hi,Grandma!”asIwalkin. Andthey...
Similarly, I Love Saturdays y domingos shows a little girl who spends Saturdays with her Caucasian grandparents and Sundays with her Mexican grandparents. She is greatly loved by each of them and when she learns about the hardships andaccomplishments that occurred on both sides of ...
Similarly, I Love Saturdays y domingos shows a little girl who spends Saturdays with her Caucasian grandparents and Sundays with her Mexican grandparents. ... M Loh 被引量: 0发表: 0年 What's a Girl to Do?: While Waiting for Mr. Right [Paperback] forget about the book. I can’t even...