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Heidenreich, O., Kook, Y.: Die Beeinflussung des Kohlenhydrat- und Fettstoffwechsels durch Dauerinfusionen von Oxytocin, Vasopressin und Hypertension beim Hund. Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Arch. exp. Path. Pharmak. 245, 280 (1963). Google Scholar Kleinknecht, D., Rosselin, G., Tchobroutsky,... //PY3.对安卓apk进行特征值匹配。justsoso。 //JAVA.能够操作字节码框架,通过它我们能很轻易的修改class代码文件。2.2K //基于Androguard 及Static Android Analysis Framework 的Android App...
Although the plasma half-life of ET-1 is 1 to 7 minutes,70 the effect on blood pressure after a low-dose bolus either by injection or continuous infusion (1 nmol/kg in rats, 4 pmol/kg per minute in humans) lasted for >1 hour after exogenous administration.71, 72 This is likely ...
Surge 交流: Surge Pro: Quantumult X: Quantumult: Shadowrocket: Loon: Choc: LanceX: DivineEngi...
View PDFAbstract Objectives This study sought to investigate the safety profile of a novel ablation index–guided high-power short-duration (AI-HP) pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) in terms of endoscopic esophageal lesions. Background The risk of esophageal injury during PVI is a major concern ...
CBO1751 (GenBank accession number CAL83288) was commercially synthesized and cloned in the NheI/SalI restriction sites of pET21b to generate a C-terminal fusion construct with 6 × His tag (GenScript Biotech, Leiden, Netherlands). The vectors were transformed intoE. coliRosetta 2(DE3) pL...
Danmark i morgen 45 Ti vækstplatforme for dansk velstand i en ny æra Vi peger på ti vækstplatforme, som vi mener har potentiale til at blive de mest lovende til at drive dansk velstand i en ny æra. Disse er udvalgt på baggrund af vores analysearbejde og ...