改进的transformer系列的backbone、neck、head; Attention系列的backbone、neck、head; 基于anchor-free和anchor-based的检测器; 🍉FPN、PANet、BiFPN等结构; 🍉CIoU、DIoU、GIoU、EIoU、SIoU等损失函数; 🍉NMS、Merge-NMS、Soft-NMS等NMS方法; 🍉SE、CBAM、ECA、BAM、DANet...详细链接🔗等30+ Attention注意...
isolation structure isolation substrate isolation technique isolationtransformer isolation voltage isolator isoliquiritigenin isolite isoluxcurve isomagnetism isomerictransition isomerizationenergy isometric isometric snap style isometric view isominternational sym isoplanarbasedintegra isoplanar process isoplanar techniq...
interval interval interval n interval of topograph interval rate of prod intervalvetransformer intervene in intervene in a suit intervene interveningyear interventio olitik intervention board fo intervention of psych intervention program interventional therap interventionbyrequest intervideowindvd intervidi intervi...
void UseModelWithSingleItem(MLContext mlContext, ITransformer model) { } UseModelWithSingleItem() yöntemi aşağıdaki görevleri yürütür: Test verilerinin tek bir açıklamasını oluşturur. Test verilerine göre yaklaşımı tahmin eder. Raporlama için test veril...
https://arxiv.org/pdf/1904.01557v1.pdf deepmind/mathematics_dataset Libra R-CNN: Towards Balanced Learning for Object Detection YOLACT: Real-time Instance Segmentation Advancing NLP with Cognitive Language Processing Signals Visualizing Attention in Transformer-Based Language models Recommendations for ...
love/hate sports, the arts…. All atheists have in common is a lack of belief in theism, which is “belief in the existence of a god or gods, especially belief in one god as creator of the universe, intervening in it and sustaining a personal relation to his creatures.” (Oxford Lan...
Transformer: More Than Meets the I/EyeAutoethnographic methodologies allow the author/authors to use the heart as a means to listen, learn and love. This Pasifika Girl sways in the liminal and collectively constructs in the third space...doi:10.1007/978-3-319-47527-1_12Fetaui Iosefo...
I visited the zoo weekly when son K and daughter Belle were young; when they were in school, I’d occasionally visit on my own. One day, during one of my solo visits, one of Packy’s keepers noticed me playing a game of“hide ‘n seek”with Packy. It was a slow day;moiselfwas...
这样负载上直流平均值就 In the understanding three-phase bridge type leveling circuit principle of work foundation, designs the reasonable three-phase bridge type leveling circuit the triggering electric circuit, good realization rectification function.Majority rectified current route transformer, and ...
pure carbon(obtainedfiom a c h e m i c a ls u P P l Yh o u s e \ copperdish Attach the wires to the positiveand negatiyeterminalsof the transformer.Secure an alligatorclip at the end of each wre. A t t a c h o n e t o t h e c o p p e rd i s h a n d t ...