Sistem Windows potrebuje zelo malo časa za nastavitev parametrov sistema pri odstranitvi ali priključitvi naprave USB. Poskusite znova odstraniti kabel USB, počakajte najmanj pet sekund in ga znova priključite. Večprstni dotik ne deluje v različicah operacijskega sistema Več...
la aspiración de ambos hermanos es convertirse en campeones. Si lo logran, disfrutarán de inmensos privilegios: tener una casa para la familia, ser iguales a muchos otros niños, ascender en la escala social y ver su foto colgada al lado de las de otros campeones de 象在野营居住孩子的...
causing it to eclipse the more traditional and generic social-realist works the collection has in abundance, like an enlarged portrait of the country's first president Archbishop Makarios III titled Makarios, 1979. This image, attributed to the photo agency Foto-Cine, is in fact a photograph of...
Habit is thus a disposition relative to change, which is engendered in a being by the con- tinuity or the repetition of this very same change."32 The French metaphysician, who was read by Henri Bergson, Marcel Proust, Gilles Deleuze, and Jacques Derrida, concludes with this para- dox: "...