“I LOVE莜——西贝莜面村”,这是属于一众社会精英的文化符号,因为“I LOVE NY”产生于美国大萧条时期,激发了很多人不要对生活失去信心(可能是全世界被复制最多的平面作品之一)。西贝为此,舍弃了自己西北风的装修风格,全面进入“走进联合国”的品牌形象。 而“厨邦酱油每日鲜”的绿格子,则是属于公众的文化符号,...
“I LOVE莜——西贝莜面村”,这是属于一众社会精英的文化符号,因为“I LOVE NY”产生于美国大萧条时期,激发了很多人不要对生活失去信心(可能是全世界被复制最多的平面作品之一)。西贝为此,舍弃了自己西北风的装修风格,全面进入“走进联合国”的品牌形象。 而“厨邦酱油每日鲜”的绿格子,则是属于公众的文化符号,...
梅顿虽然确实独自操刀设计,但想出这句Slogan的人并不是他,而是玛丽·韦尔斯·劳伦斯和查理·莫斯(Mary Wells Lawrence and Charlie Moss),这两位都是美国广告界的传奇人物,前者创立了美国广告业历史上最成功的广告公司Wells Rich Greene. I Love NY这句话最初于1977年出现在美国的电视广告上,当时正值经济萧条时期,...
The New York State Department of Commerce commissioned the Wells Rich Greene ad agency with a tourism campaign. In 1976, after publicist Bobby Zarem came up with the “I Love New York” slogan, the agency reached out to Glaser. Glaser was in a cab on his way to the first meeting when ...
I Love NY这句话最初于1977年出现在美国的电视广告上,当时正值经济萧条时期,人们普遍对生活失去了信念。政府想要雇佣梅顿,让他为这句Slogan设计一个Logo,帮助重振旅游业,挽救衰败的纽约。 在去和对方面谈的路上,梅顿在一个信封的背面画下了这个Logo的初稿: ...
I NY, one of the most iconic logos ever created (first sketched by Milton Glaser in the back of a taxi in the 70s), has been reworked in a new campaign from Founders. The new slogan swaps out ‘I’ for ‘We’ in effort to reflect the collective spirit of the city following ...
I Love(Heart) NY 纽约市的昵称一大把,比如: The Big Apple 大苹果 The City that Never Sleeps 不夜城 The Capital of the World 世界之都 The Empire City 帝国城 等等等等……但想搜纽约市的宣传口号时,却发现只有一个...
I Love NY: Regia di Radhika Rao, Vinay Sapru. Con Sunny Deol, Kangana Ranaut, Prem Chopra, Kubbra Sait. A beautiful musician and a serious Wall Street banker cross paths and fall in love with each other over one magical New Year's Eve.
纽约: I Love(Heart) NY 纽约市的昵称一大把,有The Big Apple, The City that Never Sleeps, The Capital of the World, The Empire City等等,但想搜纽约市的宣传口号时,却发现只有一个经典。 就是那经典而被全球所知的I Heart NY, 这个标语里的heart是用一颗红心图片来代替。I ...
During the research phase, they heard a recurring refrain from people when they talked about New York: “I love New York.”“There’s an old-school advertising rule of thumb about a few words you should try to incorporate in your slogan,” Kleber says. “Two of those are ‘love’ and...