很遗憾,2020年6月26日,Milton Glaser(米尔顿·格拉瑟)因中风和肾衰竭在家中不幸逝世,当天是他91岁的生日。 光看名字与照片,很多人甚至都不知晓格拉瑟是谁,事实上老爷子是非常厉害的艺术家以及设计师,他曾在现代艺术博物馆(Museum of Modern Art)和乔治蓬皮杜中心(Georges Pompidou Center)举办个人作品展。2009年,他...
Milton Glaser海报设计作品 1974年,他创建了梅顿·戈拉瑟有限公司。在他的曼哈顿工作室,他创作了范围很广的设计准则,如出版物图形学、企业形象设计、公共机构的行销目的、标识设计等。也就是这时,他为纽约州的商业部设计了标识“I love NY”一举成名,...
据说当时这Logo,Milton大概也只收了约1400元人民币左右的设计费就买断了所有权。 上图右上角为当年「INY」的设计草稿,据说 Milton 当时出了一堆提案,但是纽约市政府就爱这款几乎是Milton随意信手捻来画在纸上的构想。 我相信只要有设计过Logo的设计师都可以明白Milton当时的心情:「其他那么多酷炫的设计你不要,偏...
米尔顿·格拉瑟与Walter Bernard设计的《WBMG》Logo,1983年 而后,格拉瑟离开“图钉”,并于70年代中期创办了自己的设计公司——“Milton Glaser Inc”。1983年,他与Walter Bernard共同在纽约创办的“WBMG”出版公司,更是设计了享誉世界的50多种杂...
Official store of I LOVE NY merchandise from New York State. Buy authentic I LOVE NY souvenirs from tees, tops and caps to snow globes, key chains and magnets. For your next New York theme party, buy gift bags, chocolates, mints, pens and pencils.
Explore New York State with the official I LOVE NY app. Thousands of amazing things to do are just a click away. Let's go! Find hundreds of special events and save them to your calendar app Use filters to find art, food, events, and attractions near your current location ...
第二个是设计出知名的「I love New York 」的Logo。这个家喻户晓的世界级Logo,出现在各种马克杯和服饰上,就算你还不认识 Milton,也一定看过这个Logo。 I love New York Logo 1973年,纽约政府为了振兴纽约观光产业,邀请 Milton 为纽约设计一个LOGO。当年的纽约受到冷战影响,经济萧条,治安非常不好,导致人口大量外...
We love I Love NY Pizza! The lunch specials are a great price and even available on weekends! The owner is very friendly and nice as well. We have never had a bad experience here. Candy B. This was our first time trying this pizza place and we were not disappointed at all! The piz...
Milton Glaser, the legendary artist and designer, passed away on June 26, 2020, at the age of 91, due to a stroke and kidney failure. His work, particularly the globally recognized "I ❤️ NY" logo, has left an indelible mark on popular culture. Glaser's ...
In 2011, the logo’s designer told The Village Voice that he was still “flabbergasted” by the I Love NY logo’s phenomenal success. Everyone else knows he did something right. The Origin of the Logo That designer was Milton Glaser. Over the course of his long, illustrious career, Glaser...