Conceived in 1976, funded and implemented in 1977, the 'I Love New York' campaign has been perhaps the most reknowned tourism marketing campaign in travel industry history. Jonnie Godfrey, of Rosamunde Bern Associates — UK public relations consultants — describes the development of the campaign....
I Love New York (stylized I NY) is both a logo and a song that are the basis of an advertising campaign and have been used since 1977 to promote tourism in New York City, and later to promote New York Stat...
I Love New York (stylized I NY) is both a logo and a song that are the basis of an advertising campaign and have been used since 1977 to promote tourism in New York City, and later to promote New York State as well. 值得一提的是在911恐怖袭击后,很多到访纽约的游客都会买上一件印有...
填写下表。我们的域名专家将在 24 小时内为您报价。 名字* 姓氏* 电子邮件* 电话* 中国 提交并点击“获取价格”,即表示您同意我们的隐私政策。获取价格 欲知价格?敬请致电! 400-842-8492 +1 339-222-5134(或联系我们的美国客户支持) 不分享我的个人信息|隐私设置 技术支持 English...
Iconic I Love New York logo gets an update 来自 EBSCO 喜欢 0 阅读量: 16 作者: Montgomery, Angus 摘要: The article reports that the iconic I Love New York logo, developed by graphic designer Milton Glaser to promote the city, will be changed as a part of a new tourism campaign, ...
Iconic I Love New York logo gets an update.Iconic I Love New York logo gets an update.The article focuses on the tourism advertising campaign for New York in which the I Love New York logo, which was developed by Milton Glaser, has been changed to include images such as a beachball, ...
The New York State Department of Commerce commissioned the Wells Rich Greene ad agency with a tourism campaign. In 1976, after publicist Bobby Zarem came up with the “I Love New York” slogan, the agency reached out to Glaser. Glaser was in a cab on his way to the first meeting when ...
in this great hot fut in this has love been in this i hope in this new status in this operation the in this poem in this project in this short documen in this small group in this time give it in this visual feast in those areas in time detection in time feedback info in token ...
Ordinarily, wedding announcements in theNew York Times appear on Sunday, concise love stories crammed together like baseball box scores. But a different sort of marriage gets full-page treatment in today’sTimes: the union of JetBlue and I Love NY in the airline’s newest ad campaign. The ...
I Love MCR is the purpose-driven city brand and independent media company in the heart of Manchester, championing community and culture.