El Hajj Malcom Shabazz, Grandson of Malcolm X, Killed In Mexico 10/05/2013, 0 comments Dont Believe The Hype: Smoking Hookah Is Terribl... 0 comments, 29/04/2013, by IAmNotARapperiSpit.com Hookah smoking is worse for you than smoking half a pack of cigarettes a day, a new stu...
Ick, hardly. It’s difficult enough trying to maintain a positive attitude in today’s world. Because I can’t start my day without seeing my friends’ political opinions, pictures of the food they ate for dinner last night and all those ridiculous share if you love Jesus memes? (DON’T...
Review from my 12-year-old: Ook and Gluk have an enemy named Chief Gopper Nopper. Ook and Gluk got the Chief fired from his Chief job. Chief tries to take revenge after he finds his great-grandson from the future - 2222 AD - chopping down trees. His grandson made a time machine to...