ilocutionary function i love u more and mor i love you niki il sistema operativo im i maccheroni image image-g actualization image-guided spine in image-schema image beauty image communication image communicaton imaged image flavors image ideographical e image intensifier tel imagen image overlap ...
Since the last update, files that displayed thumbnails and a small PS icon in the right corner, no longer display that icon... (Something like that, it's from Google images because I don't have a screenshot before this problem occurs) I want to have the old icon in...
This chapter investigates how spatial constructions in Ion de Sosa’s experimental dystopian film Sueñan los androides (Androids Dream) (2014) draw attention to the role of avarice as a motivating force behind the antagonist’s behavior in the film and as a contributing factor to the 2008 fin...
-- wp:image {"align":"right","id":' + img_id + ',"sizeSlug":"full","linkDestination":"none"} --><figure class="wp-block-image alignright size-full"><img src="' + img_url + '" alt="imagen impactante para web de piercings" class="wp-image-' + img_id + '"/></figure...