In iLost My Mind, Freddie kisses Sam live on the iCarly webshow, showing that he has also feelings for her. This is the third time the two have shared a kiss. They eventually become a couple as of iDate Sam & Freddie. At the end of iLove You, they break up because they feel ...
Sam owes Carly and Freddie $526, so she gets a job to earn the money, and pay them back. Carly, Sam, and Freddie make a broadcast on iCarly to all their fans to donate money to Sam. However, they find out its illegal to solicit money over the internet. Meanwhile Spencer tries to ...
iCarly premiered in September 2007 on Nickelodeon. The live-action sitcom ran for five seasons and 109 half-hour episodes.
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本吧热帖: 1-[公告]关于撤销 电波神猫 吧主管理权限的说明 2-icarly经验贴 3-【i love iCarly】来个资源大集合 4-求icarly1-5季资源,可付费 5-爱卡莉1—7季 求发 6-喜欢爱卡莉的方式很多,你是怎么喜欢上这部剧的
爱卡莉 第一季第十二集 iCarly 2021 S01E12 iThrow a Flawless Dinner Party 我确信 你会看见 I know you see 世界将为我 Somehow the world will change for me 而变得绚烂无比 And be so wonderful 每个人都快快醒来 So wake up the members of my nation 现在轮到你来秀出自己 Its your time to be...
ILMM就是seddie最新一集i Lost My Mind的简称。。。 陳ナニヌ 搞笑死党 5 在ilmm里S和F是情侣? 悠晓风 独树一帜 11 也不算。。。是承认互相喜欢对方。。。真正是情侣的是下一集i Date Sam and Freddie 紫环萦梦 自成一派 12 下次更新时间:大约是29 30 最后在家的日子……今天要回宿舍了……下...
【iCarly】iO..详情点击:应该不会吧在维基上看到最新消息iLost my mind之后一集是iDate Sam and Freddie刚上了维基看了一下又木有了!唉!前几天才看到,现在又被删了变化真快维基也不可信啊
In iLost My Mind, Carly grabs a set of keys on the way out of the door on the way to Troubled Waters. This poses the possibility that Carly can drive, which is shown to be true in the revival series. She is shown to have her own Debit card, a necklace that says "Love & Giggle...