I went to the front of the room and held up my poster, “I have a pet named Shadow. She’s a black cat with five toes on her front left paw...” My voice shook like there was an earthquake inside of it. The whole class was looking at me like I’d lost my marbles, and I...
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Not sure what you mean by that, but maybe that’s because I’ve lost my marbles. Sorry that you are struggling to understand the point. 1 Like Basil-22475 December 26, 2021, 1:30pm 69 Redkite: I never said it wasn’t meaningful, I said that it isn’t an accomplishment. Do ...
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As expected, he looked at me like I’d lost my marbles. So I explained. In 1978 he was one of three candidates in a race for an open seat in the Florida House. He was a relative unknown, but the other two candidates were well known local politicos: Maryanne Sherman, a long-time ...
Read the full-text online article and more details about "WE CAN WIN IN GREECE (... and I Haven't Lost My Marbles); CHAMPIONS LEAGUE SAYS STUART McCALL PANAT A HINAIKOS K vMOT O HERWELL W PANATHINAIKOS V MOTHERWELL Tonight, Olympic Stadium, 7.45" - Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)...
lose his nerve lose labor ability lose one s head lose ones temper lose ones marbles lose ones head for th lose ones no-claim bo lose ones sight throu lose ones wife as wel lose oneselfgot lost lose ones hair lose your spirits losekeeponeshead loser-on-loser losers follow the phi losin...
女王的棋局第1季第3集台词 英文中文Mom!妈妈后翼弃兵 第三集Well, now.瞧瞧这里Welcome.欢迎- Got a cigarette, doctor? - So...