今天为大家挑选的实用英语口语句子是:I'll give you that. 美[ aɪl / ɡɪv / juː / ðæt ] 这点我承认。 相关知识点及资料获取 (在公众号对话框回复以下关键字) ☞回复【001】,查看部编版语文1-6年级上+下册资料集 ☞回复【16】,...
今天为大家挑选的实用英语口语句子是:I'll give you that. 美[ aɪl / ɡɪv / juː / ðæt ] 这点我承认。喜欢此内容的人还喜欢 每天一句儿童英语口语|You make me sick 儿童英语口语 不喜欢 不看的原因 确定 内容低质 不看此公众...
I'll give you that别理解成“我会给你那个”大家好!欢迎来到英语干货街。今天分享一句口语“I'll give you that”, 千万别把它理解为“我会给你那个”,其正确的含义是:I'll give you that|我得承认这一点,这一点你说得对。I'll give you that. I admire the life of the two monkeys.what a...
I'll give you that. I'll give you that.来自爱英语SHOW00:0003:22 (I will give you that. ) give: 及物动词,拿给,给;让步;举办 I'll give you that. 我承认这一点,这一点你说得对。 是的,这会花很长时间,这一点你说得对。 Yes, it's gonna take a long time. I'll give you that....
I'll give you that! 我承认;我部分同意 例句: He's really funny,I'll give you that.But sometimes he says things that are mean. 他真的很有趣,我承认,但是有时他会说一些刻薄的话。 It's really raining now. You're right to bring an umbrella,I'll give you that. ...
He’s really funny. I’ll give you that, but sometimes he says things that are mean. It’s really raining now! You were right to bring an umbrella – I’ll give you that! I’m not a fan of her music, but she’s a great singer – I’ll give you that!
Ok,I'llgiveyouthat,butthebody's veryrusty. 不错,这我承认,但是车身已生锈了。 www.zbjy.cn 6. It'snotcheap,I'llgiveyouthat,butit'sreallyagoodhotel. 这旅馆不便宜,这点我承认,但确实非常好。 test.2u4u.com.cn 7. Andifyouneedastack,I'llgiveyouthat. ...
看电影学英语口语~I'll give you that费纸墨客 天津 30 打开网易新闻 体验效果更佳中国长城那么矮小有什么用?美国专家说了7个字:长城害惨了欧洲 西橙历史 打开APP 美国的航母,中国的东风,这世界上顶尖的两大招牌孰强孰弱? 今哥说事 4096跟贴 打开APP 女人独自在家里洗澡,却发现有陌生人闯入,最后完美...
每日一句|5.19 5.19 每日一句:I'll give you that.
欢迎收听BBC地道英语(附双语字幕+笔记文稿)的英语类最新章节声音“我部分同意 I'll give you that”。...