Ilikecereal15 , 2020/09/11 Slow and annoying I like how slow the scroll bar is and how I cant choose what page to go to and how I cant see two pages side by side. I also like how it crashes when I save a picture and scrolls back to the top when I exit out of a picture...
Make docker run command more generic (#1182) (c67730c4) by Connor Nelson <> Use host network when building docker image (23c29ff1) by Daniel Xu <> fix typo (92f25f95) by zeil <> Resolve USDT binaries relative to mount namespace...
delicious rich hot cereal, or potluck salad that you’ve either long since stopped eating, or won’t give up but hate the way it makes you feel (physically or otherwise), and I would be willing to bet it could be wonderfully recreated with quinoa, and not in that “if you...
Un giorno nell’autunno del 1949, tornavo da Mosimien dove ero andato ad acquistare dei cereali: mais, fagioli, grano saraceno, fave… per i miei orfani e quelli delle suore Fmm. La carovana di una decina di animali (Dzo, muli, cavalli) avanzava lentamente guidati da Hong Kuing (il...
visit. When I started treating my symptoms with diet, I didn’t need all this “help” from the medical world anymore. I didn’t need to constantly be re-filling my prescriptions every month. Drug companies hate people like me, they don’t make a dime off people like me. Pretty cool...
I’ve had one of those every year for the past 33 years and despite having at pistachio gelato in Rome and artisan moat colored stuff in San Francisco, the bright electric green of the original Carvel ice cream cake with the crunchy chocolate cookie crumbs in the middle and generic white ...
if im chewing somethi if likely if love can be downlo if love is a matter o if low bars you like if manual measurement if missed if mounted if must say if never rains in sou if no due date if non pharmacologic if not a promise if not always legitim if not concerned with if not...
The form and placement of eggs are also similar at the generic level. There are almost always four larval instars that generally have many similar morphological characteristics at the tribal level. The adults and larvae of the predaceous species have mandibles with one or two teeth at the apex...
I know that compared to you I am a dumb flea, and there’s this massive gap in my understanding and ability to understand. I’m sorry I don’t trust you more, but heaven seems creepy and cold without the people I love. And not in a generic ethereal unembodied sense but actuallythere...
Since several years, the milling of lignocellulosic biomass has been the subject of numerous studies most often focused on specific materials and/or applications but there is still a lack of generic knowledge about the relation between the histological structure of the raw materials, the milling ...