“I like boring things.” —Andy Warhol Featured in:Andy Warhol Quotes,Boredom Quotes “I like boring things.” —Andy Warhol
im very annoyed at my im verylucky im wondering how i ev im worn out im your boring partne im your fool you need im im gonna have to p imma give you the wor imdyingofthirst imgonnatouchyoulikeyo iv had enough ive been going with h ive been in love with ive been listenin to iv...
(Time’s Robert Hughes called them“Keith Boring” and “Jean-Michel Basketcase”.) Now I am seeing critics downplaying their work again. That’s too bad. You might not like the work of Haring. You might see the limits of him as an artist. But you can’t say he wasn’t great, ...
Like Keith Haring, he had a public persona more akin to music superstars much in the same way that Andy Warhol did. It’s no surprise that Basquiat was influenced by Warhol in more ways than one. And now, at least in the world of the art market, he has surpassed Warhol. It’s ...
To put things in perspective, a Russ Meyer hit like VIXEN grossed on the order of 100 times the usual takings for a Millard one-day wonder, and the fact that he was making basically silent films didn't impress the local film exchanges. Unlike his contemporary Joe Sarno, drive-ins had ...
art as commodity versus art as critique of that commodity. Actually it was Karl Marx himself who claimed that commodity is something very like a work of art, contemplating on its mystical, enigmatic character and its transcendent being. Bad taste can expose the triviality and alienating nature ...
Don’t worry, you will find out more if you read the book (and you might find yourself on the internets way past your bedtime looking up things like jeu à dedans court design even if you care not at all about tennis or its origins). This might sound boring, except you get so ...
“I just ended my four-month contract with a company that paid well and had good prospects just because it really bored me to death and now I feel like I should’ve tried harder to make things work.” Dear Brave Girl, First of all, congratulations on doing what is best for you! Quit...
like a tiffany watchI like lots of people around me but don't kiss helloAnd please don't touchIt's a czechoslovakian custom my mother passed on to meThe way to make friends andy is invite them up for teaOpen houseOpen houseI've got a lot of cats,here's my favoriteShe's lady ...
What a jolly boring thing to do” I always think of her when I hear that song, or sing it myself. I still like to sing it. But The Bewlay Brothers will always be my favorite Bowie song, ever. It was, and is – so powerful. It was eldritch and mysterious, and it made me think...