been proud of him, because he was by Gabriel's sensitiveness; how the one acted in all those situations, when the devil came back into her body to talk through her mouth and when he drove out to come back again…And although it was not east to see the human being in the hysteric wo...
Our prayer likewise is that you will seek understanding of your Creator, receive what He reveals and experience the power of Him working in your life! Lyrics: Did you know there’s someone loving You? He lives in me and other people too ...
This doesn’t mean that I think all will be hunky dory. The Cheetos Mussolini and his minions will put on a massive shit show for US all, US capitalized as in, the United States. I know that other countries have survived a range of despots, but doing so comes at a great price, es...
I prefer saying just that — I don’t know — instead of entertaining supernatural guesses or made-up answersfrom a time when humans didn’t know about the carbon cycle or the structure of the DNA that your father passed on to you, his living, breathing daughter. ...
As cellos soar, the subject of the opera proclaims: ‘Do my eyes deceive me, am I back in your arms?’ I know I felt as though I had been rescued from Hell itself. Then, there is an elucidation: ‘I missed you, and I must admit, I kissed a few …’ (Perhaps this refers to ...
Ariadne was rescued by the god Dionysus, and after he married her, he placed her wedding garland in the sky as a constellation, the one we know as the Corona Borealis. This star system appears east of Bootes and lies in the north, resembling a crown hence the name ‘Corona’. In anc...
You know summer is here when the bay fills up with teenagers and the rock jumpers return. I can’t believe I don’t spend the day here more often as it is literally on my doorstep and in a few weeks time it’s going to be packed. ...
And yanked my feet It buckled my knees And felled me fast My legs like a fawn’s In a sawtooth trap Loss reached out And stole my soul It sucked me clean Took all old fight Left bare my bones A sterile me Release seeped in
Gail Russell Charles Chinnough, aka Captain China, washed ashore off his ship during a storm, is later rescued, but is relieved of duty when his former first mate, Brendensen (who Everyone’s excited about the new Batman movie, but who needs a protector of Gotham when you have...
I know what you are thinking, but it wasn’t awkward at all. In fact, to me, it was like just getting two of my closest friends in one place. See, when you have long term relationships with people who aren’t psychos, they can manage to function in the presence of each other with...