I know: it’s a lot. But I found those all those useful, and yes, each “here” takes you to a different link. Software/embedding: if you are interested in the above topics, you may want to learn more about vector databases and embeddings. Here are four good links on that: one tw...
I know: it’s a lot. But I found those all those useful, and yes, each “here” takes you to a different link. Software/embedding: if you are interested in the above topics, you may want to learn more about vector databases and embeddings. Here are four good links on that: one tw...
If you're new to the hunt, here's some background: one of our friends (and fellow mineral collectors) created a treasure hoard with two million dollars and stashed it in 5 different caches around the US. His book, There's Treasure Inside, has sold tens of thousands of copies in just...
One day, after I kept pushing, she got angry. "I don't even know if they're alive or dead and I don't really care. Stop asking me about them," she yelled. One morning, a few months after this talk, our doorbell rang. It was an elderly couple. The man looked like a college ...
I know your heart is broken by hearing that but you are in luck. You can check out AFF for free and actually get some real results. Every year we rank and review all the best hookup apps that are popular. There are a TON of worthless apps out there (like iHookup) but also a ...
I'll be happy to assist you today. Sorry to know you're experiencing this issue. a stolen laptop only will be locked if the computer gets internet connection. If the laptop current location is not updated and still in the last location, that can mean the laptop is not connected to the...
I have low self-esteem and I always have. Guys always cheated on me with women who were European-looking. You know, the long-hair type. Really beautiful women that left me thinking, 'How I can I compete with that?' Being a regular black girl wasn't good enough. —Lil' Kim ...
And there's no way you're going to find me later having a panic attack in your parents' bathroom. Who wants to French-kiss? — Rainbow Rowell 3 Did you know...you make me so happy that sometimes I actually forget to breath? I'll be looking at you, and my chest will get so ...
You roll it and rock it move it I use it let's go you know I lick it and do the Things that'll make you explode You don't believe me mami just let let let let me go low Because I'm a freak freak freak freak freak Freak freak yeah that's a no Now can I get a beat beat...
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