Don’t tell me you haven’t had those moments: finding steals so irresistible they melt your steely resolve away. I wish I didn’t know whatS–A–L–Emeans and that it didn’t have to be in a come-hither, sin-red color emblazoned across store fronts or stuck in strategic places and...
Hello Sparks, so in the Wiki, users can create a page as their personal user space, and can create multiple sub pages, in which other users cannot create or edit the pages, but one thing I always wanted to know is, when you are blocked from editing the Wiki, you can still add ...
OH MY GOD! WHAT WILL WE DO? HOW WILL THE MYTHCIC RAIDERS COPE? Nobody cares. No system like we are talking about will let any casual player gear up faster than a mythic raider. It's irrelevant. "stop puting you idiotic liberal words into my mouth" -ynnady Reply...
which I loved, but CELTIC MOON does have its more typical moments. Nothing distracted me from my reading — which I did in a single sitting — but you’ll be able to guess where certain plot strands are headed.
’08, when we were getting ready to elect obama to his first term. i wanted to know what was going on, and i heard about twitter. jamilah lemieux, slate columnist: i joined the day after obama won. i wasn’t that far out from howard. x content this content can also be viewed...
"Everyone's duang-ing and I still don't know what it means!Looks like it's back to school for me,"said Weibo user Weileiweito. Another user asked:"Have you duang-ed today?My mind is full of duang duang duang." "To duang or not to duang,that is the question,"wrote user BaiKut...
Except you don't have any reason to believe this number. We don't know how Blizzard is defining the word modern, we don't know what their data points were, and we don't know if they chose to leave out any data points. They already decided to cherry pick data (h...
I didn't dig too deeply into the rationaleii, but I did dig deep enough into the actual piece of shit software stack involved to know that it's actually quite trivial for me to give 30`000 people what they want.iii So, without further ado : the list of Fetlife users who are ...
-This week my dog had surgery to remove a cyst-like thing, we still don't know what it was, we're waiting for the biopsy to see! He's full of stitches, poor puppy <3 <3 <3 I hope he's going to be ok, he had so many problems during his life, he should have been dead ...
Nov 2014 TEDGlobal 2014 Mark Plotkin: What the people of the Amazon know that you don’t 16:35Nov 2014 TEDMED 2014 Rosie King: How autism freed me to be myself 06:08Nov 2014 TEDGlobal 2014 Joe Landolina: This gel can make you stop bleeding instantly 05:01Nov 2014 TEDxBoston ...