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Provides the methods needed to configure the connection settings for the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) app container client control.
IRemoteDesktopClientSettings::GetRdpProperty 方法 (rdpappcontainerclient.h) 项目 2024/03/01 反馈 本文内容 语法 参数 返回值 要求 另请参阅 检索单个命名的 RDP 属性值。 如果尚未设置指定的属性,则检索默认值。 语法 C++ 复制 HRESULT GetRdpProperty( [in] BSTR...
IRemoteDesktopClient::attachEvent 方法 IRemoteDesktopClient::Connect 方法 IRemoteDesktopClient::D eleteSavedCredentials 方法 IRemoteDesktopClient::d etachEvent 方法 IRemoteDesktopClient::D isconnect 方法 IRemoteDesktopClient::get_Actions 方法
If the issue still persists with the Microsoft remote desktop app, then you can contact the support team by going to the link and scrolling down to the bottom and clicking on Microsoft remote desktop support under the Publisher info. However, if you are using the R...
Verify that you can connect to the Windows ECS instance by using Remote Desktop from an on-premises client. For more information, seeConnect to a Windows instance by using a username and password. Previous:NoneNext: Elastic Compute Service...
whileChrome Remote Desktopis quite basic for my needs. Here is where I came across AnyDesk, which delivers on all the fronts — performance, features, and security. Check out the top reasons why I have made AnyDesk my go-to remote access tool and why you might want to consider doing ...
If no more than two simultaneous remote connection sessions are required, selectSolution 1: Remove the role related to Remote Desktop Servicesto restore the default remote connection settings of the system. If more than two simultaneous ...
IRemoteDesktopClientEvents::OnDisconnected 方法 项目 2023/06/13 3 个参与者 反馈 本文内容 语法 参数 返回值 要求 另请参阅 当客户端控件与远程会话断开连接时调用。 语法 C++ 复制 void OnDisconnected( [in] long disconnectReason, [in] long ExtendedDisconnectReason, [in] BSTR disconnectError...
It'll ask you to name your PC, so give it a descriptive name so you know which PC you'll be accessing. By default, it will pick thename you gave your PC during setup, so if you can remember what each of your devices is called, feel free to keep that. ...