Lastly, I just wanted to end by thanking the developer, I realize that you put a lot of time and effort into all of the stickers and I wanted to let you know that I really appreciate it and use them everyday! If you could leave a reply saying that you've read this message I'd ...
It is well known that if you have an important file, you should back it up to another external drive or cloud. But we often seem to overlook this essential advice. And if on an ill-fated day we lose a crucial office document, a memorable video clip of family, and stuff like this, ...
Create a foundation where you and your child can talk about this stuff. Introduce porn earlier than you think you need to. Kee (名無し 2023/2/22 18:30 ID:579460) 不快通報 🔥 how to talk to your child about porn 💕 How Do I Talk to My Child About Internet Porn? 👉👌 DOW...
Stuff I use a lot, and a simple AnimationCurve-based tweening interface. Add to projects using Package Manager git url: OR ...
So these firms did what any good investor would do – they leveraged (largely unrealized) momentum to raise mega funds when the wind was at their backs. Yet another grand venture experiment in progress – one for which we won’t know the outcome for another 10 years. ...
For instance, you can make your Completer query your semantic back-end in an asynchronous fashion, thus not blocking Vim's GUI thread while your completion system is processing stuff. This is impossible with VimScript. All of YCM's completers use the Completer API. Performance with the ...
I'm still hoping to get multiple guys to cum on my face. I know I keep saying that but one day it's gonna happen and it's going to be great! Well I must get on with my day now. Bye! Cumonmyface (11 Comments|Comment on this) ...
Students, researchers, and journalists might be interested to know that handwritten notes are far better for recall. The act of writing with a pencil (or Apple Pencil) can make all the difference, at least according to some studies. One study found that“the additional context provided by the...
i dont want your job i dont like the stuff i dont care who is th i dont give the shit i dont like sports i dont like when i cl i dont play i dont want to quarel i dont want your symp i dont care babe whos i dont really expect i dont have any cash i dont want to see i...
error_reporting = E_ALL if we have no known deprecations or are aware of code that produces; if we do, the log might get spammed by "errors" we already know and don't care about, so we might want to reduce them to the ones we don't expect like E_ERROR|E_PARSE|E_WARNING Other...