game还可以指 a type of activity or business行当;行业;职业。 例如:How long have you been in this game? 你干这行当多长时间了? game还可以指“秘密计划”。a secret and clever plan; a trick 诡计;策略;花招 例句:So that's his game (= now I know what he has been planning) . 原来这就是...
i dont know what you i dont know whether i i dont know whether y i dont know whether y i dont know this litt i dont like monday i dont miss it all th i dont really like my i dont think it was d i dont think the next i dont think this are i dont think youre wh i dont wa...
Hi, I would like to buy a new strategy board game. I bought Living Forest 5 months ago that I really enjoyed but I'm starting to get tired of. (it's the same thing all the time and depended a little on chance) So I was going to resume another strategy game for a rainy afternoon...
For me this is one of the most thrilling game I know with full blown bluffing. You need a lot of tickets to reach enough points to win but the game can end at any round and the suspense is great. A player normally places finished tickets face down on the table but a bluffer keeps ...
its the world i know its thirty thousand m its time for us to sa its time the velvet r its time to say goodb its too close to the its up here on some h its weird itsapassioninmysoul itstheonlywayiseeclea it-pmo it-pmu inoperable tim ita international tou itabashi han itachibori ...
Indie Game: The Movie INSIDE Intralism ISEKAI FRONTLINE ISEKAI QUEST Joint Operations: Combined Arms Gold Just Cause 4 Reloaded KinitoPET Knowledge, or know Lady Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris Lara Croft GO League Of Guessing Left 4 Dead Left 4 Dead...
Monopoly Game Board Template Cubic Worm Game Board Template This funny worm-shaped game board has 26 spaces. It might appeal to someone and spark an idea for a fun game. You never know. The Candy Land Board Game has a snaking path like this. ...
Then I played it at my weekly game night. I’ve played it every chance I could get. And you know which game I want to play more than any other right now? UBOOT. Let me tell you why…I never tend to enjoy reading rulebooks, but knowing that I couldn’t play it immediately, I ...
Your first game can be tricky. Especially after the first season, you'll look at what you've achieved and think I'm not getting anywhere, how do I do this? Then the engine begins to kick in and your turns get more powerful and before you know it you've gone from "how do I do ...
The game was built to simultaneously deliver context about intelligence-gathering methods and to help officers understand how real-world hiccups can get in the way while in the act. "People would come up to me after [a session] and say, 'David, I learned bout something I didn't ...