So I started buying lottery tickets, and that might work All I see is poop, and the worlds fuckin' shit I'm a piece of shit too Hey, literally poop This fucking stinks, I don't know what to do Everyone around me Everything I touch Everyone I see Everything I feel...
The big-beaked, rock-munching fish that protect coral reefs - Mike Gil 05:04 The breathtaking courage of Harriet Tubman - Janell Hobson 04:48 The bug that poops candy - George Zaidan 04:46 The Cambodian myth of lightning, thunder, and rain - Prumsodun Ok 04:37 The chaotic brilliance ...
I know you f**king lying did you call first ikykwak : I know you know we all know Ikyl : I know you lying ilbbaicnl : I like big butts and I can not lie ilbcnu : i'll be seeing you ilbw : Instagram loving b***h wife ...
The Robot Chicken writers think Disney is running out of classics to remake; Luke Skywalker is a little too comfy inside that Tauntaun; Midsommars' big problem was it wasn't cute enough. EP6May Cause One Year of Orange Poop Robot Chicken shows you how Batman Beyond's training goes way...
The RC creators imagine what would have happened if Stretch Armstrong had lived during Medieval times. The G.I. Joe team realizes that solving real world problems aren't so easy. Gordon Ramsey gets some pretty impressive celebrity chef's.
Barney song I hate you, you hate me, let's get together and kill barney, with a big shotgun and barney's on the floor, no more stupid dinosaur. I love this song, I just don't know that it has many version, cvb - November 17, 2013 - Report this comment To the tune of On to...
And you know what its problem was? Well, folks, it was effed up. It for sure had rabies, plus several porcupine quills sticking out its butt. I’m not trying to make fun of the poor thing, it’s just, why mince words? It was totally effed up. Not in good shape, not long for...
I know how to make my anus ring biger by using oils and lubiration before inserting of a big dildo. But after a while I can se my anus is getting bigger and bigger and it is about size of a doller coin. The question is how can i make my anus ring smaller after insertion? is ...
Wherever there are goyim, well you know that I’m around I cheat ’em and I bilk ’em ’cause to me they’re all the same I trick ’em and I schmuck ’em, I don’t even know their name They call me the swindler Yeah, the swindler I Jew around, around, around, around Oh well...
But alas it’s too late now. I am officially the proud owner of the most uncool car on the planet, and not surprisingly, I like it. It’s big, but so am I. It has power doors, which I deeply appreciate as a lazy person. It fits a buttload of people, and I have a buttload...