Chiunque èbenvenuto a contribuire: insomma in altre parole se hai tirato giù gli accordi di una canzone per favoremandamelacon ilmodulo di contatto. Sarà utile ad altri proprio come quelle nel sito sono utili a te! Nota bene: non capisco una emerita cippa di accordi, spartiti, tab, cr...
e mancan le parole si lo so che non c'e luce in una stanza quando manca il sole se non ci sei tu con me, con me su le finestre mostra a tutti il mio cuore che hai acceso chiudi dentro me la luce che hai incontrato per strada Sarah: When I'm alone I dream of the horizon...
il cielo blu di una n il copriletto il cuore e le parole il fiore È bianco il giornalista il giudizio judgement il israel il labbro il mio primo san silv il mio unico divertim il muro il pannello di contro il primo marito che l il rosso amore il sapone il suo diritto di ris il...
那么你需要这个 Il a neigé au printemps 2004 et tout le monde est tombé malade. There was a freak late snow that spring and everyone got sick. 在你那年的春天下了一场晚雪所有人都生病了 Alors, reposez-vous, buvez beaucoup, parole de médecin. So plenty of rest, lots of fluids. Doctor...
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux
? Arrests, Probation, Parole? Drug Smuggler, Bigamist, Gambler, Alimony Shirker? (Considering the number of people born here that do these, shouldn’t you be applauding me by now?) Sections E, F, G: Deportation, Military Service, Selective Service Registration (Wait, there’s still a draft...
New Stuff A Bonded Pair Bah Humbug The Yellow Bowl Rudolph’s Light Oh Deer… Not Health Food, but Good for the Soul Life Changes…Quickly The Award (Can we give it back?) People, People Who Need People… Happy Father’s Day in Heaven Poppy ...
a仅仅包括与矫正机构的运行有关的费用,而不包括与假释有关的费用、矫正工作人员的训练费用、矫正管理机构的费用和加拿大矫正公司运行费用。 Includes merely with the correction organization movement related expense, but not including with parole related expense, correction staff's training expense, correction mana...
There was a sign of emotion from the 30-year-old Cutts -- a tear -- shortly after Porter finished her statement. He showed no emotion when he was sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole only after he has served 57 years. ...
LEMON VERBENA SAZERAC (oh-so-subtle iteration of the classic) at Saxon & Parole The ultimate algorithm, every moment of interaction exclusive to you, encasing you in a sentient bubble, sensing and synthesizing data, bespoke knowledge, interactivity not just tailored to but designed for your speci...