He may then start thinking things like,“There’s nothing I can do to change her mind. She doesn’t want me anymore and I just have to accept that I’m never going to get her back. It’s hopeless. I got dumped and it hurts. I’m alone now. I have no chance with her. What ...
What AI has done is it's just dumped a bunch of information.人工智能所做的就是倾泻了一堆信息。Were I to be a client, I would probably want my money back.如果我是一个客户,我可能会要求退款。That's just me.这只是我的个人想法。So can AI do my job?那么,AI能否胜任我的工作呢?I wou...
For the next few minutes he cut the tree into(13)___parts while I carried them across the(14)___and dumped(扔掉)them over the guardrail(栏杆)on the other side. "You never know when you will need a(15)___." I joked while my newly found(16)___smiled and put his saw back in...
1 lose it失控;发狂;发怒 lose是遗失,但lose it并不是丢了东西,而是失去了理智,真正意思就是情绪失控了。lose it常形容某人突然大哭大笑或大喊等情绪崩溃的瞬间。例句:Sara is usually a calm girl, but she lost it after being dumped.萨拉平常是一个沉着冷静的人,但被甩后,她的情绪失控了。2 lose...
Sara is usually a calm girl, but she lost it after being dumped.萨拉平常是一个沉着冷静的人,但被甩后,她的情绪失控了。自己的信号不好可以说the signal is bad,那么别人的信号不好应该怎么表示呢?You are breaking up 你信号不好 break up [ˈbreɪk ʌp] (因为信号受到干扰)声音断...
You you know, actually once once I got dumped during sex. 事实上,我有次在做爱过程中被甩了。 So anyway, uh, so wh what is it? 到底发生了什么事? Forget about it. It's no big deal. 算了,没什么大不了的。 Come on, Joey, what is it? It's nothing. 少来了,怎么了? 没事。 Hey...
1 lose it失控;发狂;发怒 lose是遗失,但lose it并不是丢了东西,而是失去了理智,真正意思就是情绪失控了。lose it常形容某人突然大哭大笑或大喊等情绪崩溃的瞬间。例句:Sara is usually a calm girl, but she lost it after being dumped.萨拉平常是一个沉着冷静的人,但被甩后,她的情绪失控了。2 lose...
You will have to find the main module code object, since all code objects get dumped, even the ones from modules, etc. it will be more difficult to find the main one. The code object won’t have been decrypted yet by PyArmor since that only happens when the__armor_enter__function get...
Fashion is a huge polluter.According to the UN Environment Program, the industry is responsible for up to one-fifth of all industrial water pollution—due to the fact that most clothes today are produced in poorer countries where regul...
but she lost it after being dumped. 萨拉平常是一个沉着冷静的人, 但被甩后,她的情绪失控了。 自己的信号不好可以说the signal is bad,那么别人的信号不好应该怎么表示呢? You are breaking up 你信号不好 break up[ˈbreɪk ʌp] (因为信号受到干扰)声音断断续续 ...