certain types of fuzzy systems are universal approximators.Finally, in section 4 we apply these results in order to proveDURING the several past years, fuzzy systems (FS) have that fuzzy rules based systems are also universal approxi- been successfully applied to a wide variety of practical mato...
ryanburgess/engineer-manager - A list of engineering manager resource links. form-data/form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams. Can be used to submit forms and file uploads to other web applications. fastify/fastify-sensible - Defaults for Fastify that ...
insurancefee insured pension plan insured rate insurer of the goods insurnce ppcnt insurrenction insusrance claim int gnal temperaturex int intensity int j bifurcat chaos int network ernal org intake entry intake pipe manifold intake system program intake valve intake valve shutter intaken piled fat...
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Lee, R.S.T,Liu, J.N.K 摘要: —There is growing interest in using intelligent software agents for a variety of tasks, including navigating and retrieving information from the Internet and from databases, online shopping activities, user authentication, negotiation for resources, and decision ...
212 authorize Rule based authorization for Elixir jfrolich 100 213 ueberauth An Elixir Authentication System for Plug-based Web Applications ueberauth 1651 214 zigler zig nifs in elixir E-xyza 947 215 typo_killer qu'est que ce 🎶 – Killing typos with style (and Elixir!) samuelpordeus 39...
doi:10.22105/JFEA.2021.275084.1080/JSirbiladze, GiaAyandegan Institute of Higher Education, IranJournal of Fuzzy Extension & Applications (JFEA)
applications; computer vision and speech understanding; multimedia and cognitive informatics, data mining and machine learning tools, heuristic and AI planning strategies and tools, computational theories of learning; technology and computing (like particle swarm optimization); intelligent system architectures;...
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