When I went to the site, the trusses appear to be intact hinting at the questionable structural integrity of the weakened bridge piers in the middle of the span which witnesses saw were the first to succumb to the raging water. One driver told me that he felt the “weird shaking” of th...
(Tagalog) In another universe, we would have married, and had lots of beautiful children. I have had as lovers, an Aboriginal girl, a Columbian, my Asian lady, and a couple of Australians. (one of whom i married) My Asian lady was so far above the rest, as both a bedmate and a ...
people in this world that feel this way. However, I never responded to attack him, but just to show that others feels the way the originator did, and why. ONLY YOU, as well as people who can't stand to have ANYONE ELSE'S OPINION be different from theirs, INSIST that others shut up...
EXCEPT in very rare instances where people I have already written about, or who insist beyond gracious refusal, that I take a taste of their goods, etc. I used to be able to say I have NEVER accepted a freebie, but these days, I must be completely transparent and say I have taken a...