En la categoría de mejor podcast en español compitenRadio Ambulante,Duolingo Spanish Podcast,Leyenda Legendarias,Mija Podcast, yEscuela Secreta. Un podcast de México,Las Alucines, se mide por el premio al mejor podcast internacional. Los Premios iHeartPodcast 2025 también entregarán tres I...
西班牙语学院是一流的学院之一,您可以在这里向母语人士学习,并提高您的措辞、语法和写作水平。也不乏在线网站,如 Lingoda、Telemundo、DuoLingo、FluentU、Fluencia、Coffee Break Spanish、Univision 等。 如果您需要西班牙语翻译服务,昆仲科技CCJK支持全球230+种语言的翻译本地化服务,包括笔译、口译、配音和排版等等,期...
19.Duolingo Cost:Free This language learning app offers courses in Spanish,French,Italian,German and Portuguese.And it's not all about reading and writing-it uses the phone's microphone to test users'pronunciation skills as well. Lumosity ...
I am off to Barcelona this year! I will be attending Primavea 2019 with some wonderful friends but of course I will be having two days solo to reingnite my solo travel fix as well as my GCSE Spanish (with a little help ofDuolingo)!
Dopo il suicidio di Duolingo che ha eliminato le traduzioni nella lingua che si impara, è una delle poche valide alternative. La migliore tra quelle gratuite e non solo. Fa apprendere un po' come faceva Duolingo pre-commercializzazione. ...
4) Learn a new language on Duolingo It is downright amazing that Duolingo is available for free! There is a paid version, but even without it you can spend all day on this site (and the mobile app.) Not only does it have dozens of languages, it makes learning fun by having these ga...
People who are willing to share their time and expertise to help you with things in your life, especially if those are things that are particularly stressful to you but exciting or interesting to them Ice. Cream. The Duolingo app for learning Spanish – I’m on a thirty-day streak and am...
In 2009 I studied abroad in San Francisco,where I spent a semester taking Spanish.When enrolling for classes, the idea of studying ‘Spanish 101’ seemed like a really sensible idea; I knew I’d want to travel through South America at some point, so what better preparation than to try le...
I’ve just installed the Duolingo App on my Android, which I’ll use to learn Chinese. I’m also studying Swahili, and will continue my studies in Spanish. I plan on being atleastquadrilingual when all is said and done. My target countries of interest are China, Africa, and South Amer...
In James Clear’s book, Atomic Habits, he sets out four Laws of Behaviour Change. I will get an example of each from my adventures with Spanish! Make it Obvious: Duolingo is one of only about 4 apps on my phone that I allow to notify me. It pops up periodically throughout the day...