The new design certainly has its faults, but it’s also an interesting case study in how logo commentary has changed over the years. When Glaser designed I ♥ NY in 1976, there was no “design Twitter”; no branding blogs; no podcasts. But if there had been, what would people have ...
Searching for Chrome heart long sleeve t-shirt I Heart NY? We’ve got Chrome Hearts Men's Tops starting at $424 and plenty of other Men's Tops. Shop our selection of Chrome Hearts today!
Baby Audio成立三周年了,这次他们将IHNY(I Heart NY)升级到V2,这是一款适用于打击乐的并行压缩器插件。 Baby Audio希望打造业内最硬的打击音色,IHNY-2这款现代化又非常激进的并行压缩器,可以打击乐音色轰轰烈烈的,在保持干信号动态的同时,给予信号更多的压缩,更大的力量。 IHNY-2内置并行信号链,将信号分为不...
BABY Audio 为庆祝其成立 5 周年(恭喜!),在 8 月 28 日前以 5 美元的价格发售其首款产品 I Heart NY 并行压缩器。BABY Audio 在 2019 年发布 I Heart NY 后一炮而红,公司也迅速成长为市场上领先的插件提供商之一。每个 BABY Audio 插件都有一个独特的功能或功能组合,这在其他地方是找不到的。他们...
NEW YORK (AP) — Milton Glaser, the groundbreaking graphic designer who adorned Bob Dylan’s silhouette with psychedelic hair and summed up the feelings for his native New York with “I (HEART) NY,” died Friday, his 91st birthday.
He was also co-founder, with Clay Felker, of New York magazine, where he served as president and design director until 1977. Glaser designed the “I (Heart) NY” logo, with its red heart on a white background, for a 1977 campaign promoting the state as a tourism destination. It remain...
I Love New York(I NY)是一则宣传广告的歌名和logo,从1977年开始,就用于纽约市的旅游宣传,之后还被用于纽约州的宣传。 值得一提的是在911恐怖袭击后,很多到访纽约的游客都会买上一件印有这个标识的T恤,以表达对这个城市的支持...
So I'm surprised to find myself a complete convert to this Baby Audio plug-in. Available for Mac and Windows OS in all the usual native formats, and named I Heart NY to reflect the fact that parallel compression is also known as 'New York–style compression', it is loosely designed to...
就是那经典而被全球所知的I Heart NY, 这个标语里的heart是用一颗红心图片来代替。I NY 这个经典图标,目前是被用在了纽约州旅游局的官网上,而不仅仅是纽约市。然而,这个标语早在1977年被设计出来时,其实用于推广纽约市的,后来也被纽约州采纳了。
Check out P.K's Logo design contest… The Brief Industry Sport Design inspiration The Brief Design inspiration The Brief About us After a logo design similiar to the I love NY/LA t-shirt logo however MMA centric ie: the Love Heart could be MMA gloves, or the words MMA could be… Logo...