[99] However, this failed to convince the Spaniards: Englefield admitted to King Philip that Arthur's "claim at present amounts to nothing", but suggested that "he should not be allowed to get away, but [...] kept very secure."[100] The King agreed, and Arthur was never heard from...
Also found in: Thesaurus, Financial, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. go 1 (gō) v. went (wĕnt), gone (gôn, gŏn), go·ing, goes (gōz) v.intr. 1. To move or travel; proceed: We will go by bus. Solicitors went from door to door seeking donations. How fast can the boat go?
My pets love me, so you don't have to. Unless you want to. Do you want to? That might be OK. I'll get back to you on that.
whereby astronauts seeing the Earth from space undergo a transformative cognitive shift, most often experiencing an overwhelming appreciation and perception of beauty, and an increased sense of connection to other people and the Earth as a whole. However, not all experiences are ...
is Country Music. Decades ago, I heard a Country Music singer say, “The Country in Country Music, is America.” While admittedly, not a fan of the genre, then or now, I must admit, the moment I heard the guy say that I thought it was profound. I still believe that to be true....
People complained so much about him but most of the complaints I heard were dealing with municipal or provincial issues, so they were out of his jurisdiction. I had people argue that he should have stepped in anyway and taken over. Really? You want the leader of our country to break our...
It’s like the B grade movie, so often more personally relevant, informative and enjoyable than the classic. And the books I repeatedly indulge in and the albums I never tire of hearing, speak to me in a whole different way. I heard Daniel Levitan, author of “This is your Brain on ...
The evidence I have heard is that the filmmakers were Egyptian Coptic Christians, not muslims, who incidentally had many of their churches sacked before and during the time Mubarak left power. The video was in English, but dubbed into Arabic; however it is being questioned as to whether the ...
The property has had books, documentaries, and even a movie made about it.This chapter has been one of the best so far as we start to see some of Patrick’s real investigative work and to be frank as I sit here in my comfortable, warm, well-light, non-haunted house...
Moreover, they dwell in such a sublime state of denial that they think they are stewarding the creative process as it arises in the creative humans they exploit savagely — knowing, as they do, that a creative human would rather be heard than paid — and that they, a bunch of sated ...