This is the era of podcasts and there’s an over saturation of people with opinions and access to the technology that allows them to share them. Often. I’m not mad at all – it’s just that I’m just incapable of multi-tasking so I have to carve time out to listen to my ...
Teridax, also known as "The Makuta" or simply "Makuta", was the original Makuta overseer of the Dome of Metru Nui and high executor within the Brotherhood of Makuta. He successfully orchestrated a master plot to overthrow the Great Spirit Mata Nui and se
Want would have been better. -And what’s up with the word bathroom. -It’s like I need to take a humongous dump. -For medical reasons. -Perforated duodenum and such. -Can you hold my colostomy bag for a sec thanks. -Batting her eyelashes. Do you find me alluring? -Feels two ...
I have wanted to be in building with other artists, to have a creative community around me for some time now. It has been clear to me recently that the only way I was going to take my self seriously as an artist would be to get out of isolation, go to work each day, surrounded b...
The angry bruising around my face had begun to subside, along with the memories of any previous lifetimes. The nurses at Bloxwich Maternity Home deemed I was finally fit to be presented to the other end of my mother. A matching pair of right hands – but separated in age by 31 years, ...
In the same way, though my time with Bobby was cruelly cut incredibly short, I know that the love we shared is more than most people ever get to experience and that it will last me for many lifetimes to come and for that I am grateful. I am grateful that we never wasted a moment ...
They were 23 and nearly 23. Young but already lifetimes into life. Two years before, he had come back from 25 B-17 combat missions over WWII Europe, and was training to go to the Pacific theater. Death was behind him, but silently crouched ahead. Thankfully, the war ended, and he ...
I am not sure I could have waited between one book and the other. Fra: One of the things I loved the most about the series is the amazing portrait of women, especially Val. She is one of the most beautiful fictional women I have read in a long time: she is creative, emotionally ...
To Get It meant that you could see that joke, follow it through to the punchline, and find it funny. That’s why it’s so hard to reckon with the facts: because the loss of her is so terrible, and so inhumanly unfair, and because if she could have outlived herself, she would ...
The point I’m trying to make is that I don’t know if I was ever required to apologise to Pokie. I was simply removed from the party and would have received a hiding. I don’t know if I was required to make amends to this child. Were my parents merely blinded by the embarrassmen...