【meme】I have two sides(耳机党慎入)Ryukiva2233-电弧 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多13.3万 169 3:55 App 【东方pv/双语字幕】断罪亚玛萨那度/断罪ヤマザナドゥ!【IOSYS】 4万 230 1:23 App 逆天弔图#199 9.5万 21 0:13 App 关于芙兰酱的衣服 1.4万 4 0:24 App 亲眼目睹...
迷途之子!!! 生活 搞笑 梗 mygo ave mujica 壱雫空 KiLLKiSS meme ihavetwosides
anyway) and to have control over your data, but there are some fundamental economic realities to consider. “Free” services like Facebook and Gmail and YouTube can never actually be free.Someonehas to pay for the servers, the electricity, the bandwidth, the developers, and...
Also, regarding adding a quote on the Stone Mask page, you can use Template:Quote2 to have the quote without automatic links and have Electroid pipe linked. Nightwicked Bowser 10:24, November 28, 2022 (EST) If you're making an article that's not reusing another article's layout and...
In a conflict with significant bad actors on both sides, there are no good options for bystanders.In such a conflict, you have three options: you can take a side you can try to rise above the conflict you can do nothing If you take a side, you will be associated with the bad actors...
dark ::selection { color: #1d1d1d; } /* if you have a dark mode class */ ::marker { color: var(--brand); } :is(::-webkit-calendar-picker-indicator, ::-webkit-clear-button, ::-webkit-inner-spin-button, ::-webkit-outer-spin-button) { color: var(--brand); } /* https:/...
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– that’s true. Mormons have the greatest moral template on earth, after all. Or so they believe. Years after I left mormonism, the church began to quietly release essays addressing prickly subjects that often cause people to leave (I say quietly because I heard that these essays were not...
Top stitch the other long edge, as well, so that you have two neat lines of top-stitching like this: Now, on hindsight, I decided that a few extra parallel lines of stitches along the middle of the strap would make the layers really flat and smooth. If you want to, ...
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