4.Ihavenoideawhatthatis我不知道那是什么 基本上, 在美国Ihavenoidea跟Idon'tknow用的一样多 , 意思也差不多, 可以交互使用我也听过有老美把whatthatis说成whatisthat, 这样是犯了文法上的错误, 可是也许念起来比较顺, 所以老美才会这么说吧, 但是再看一句:Ihavenoideawhattimeitis, 这时就用itis而不是...
田中先生へ ご無沙汰しております。先生はお元気でいらっしゃいますでしょうか。日本語の学校のことや、様々なことを一から教えてくださり、感謝しております。私は文法がまだ少し苦手ですが、これからも頑張ります。それでは、お身体をくれぐれもご自愛下さい。
I have no idea. 或I haven't got a clue. / Not a clue. 这些表达通常用在你没有任何关于这个问题的信息 无法猜到答案的时候 例: A: What time does the film start? 电影什么时候开始? B: I have no idea. Why don't you call the cinema? 不清楚,你为什么不打电话问电影院呢? ③ It beats...
AA: 前面的是 “主 (I) + 系 (am) + 表 (at a loss) + 宾语补语名词短语 (what to do)Se...
a我用了网络上所讲述的文法,还是没有唤醒她,我想应该是屏幕的接触有问题了,可我却不知道怎么办,在中国的维修又是那样的昂贵,其维修费用相当于一台KINDLE的价格,所以想求助于你们!希望得到你们的回复!非常的感谢。 I have used the grammar which in the network narrates, has not awakened her, I wants to...
Do you fear being judged for your writing from people who have no idea? Are you tired of showing your amazing work to someone who doesn’t know the worth of your writing talent? Then you have come to the right place. This website is designed for people who are lonely writers. It is...
县级人民政府应当根据当地灾害特点和人员转移需求,利用地势较高、有安全保障的村(居)民委员会办公场所、学校、幼儿园、养老院、宾馆、文体场馆、会展中心和闲置房屋等,统筹规划、科学设置集中安置场所和临时避险场所,设置( )。
aCuz I didn't go home this holiday,my friends bought me a lot of dumplings and I have no idea how to deal with them Cuz I didn \ ‘t回家这个假日,我的朋友给我买很多饺子,并且我不知道如何处理他们[translate] awhere S1 is the Megaflop rate for a two-term recursion. 那里S1是Megaflop率...
I feel like I never have enough vacation days.(我觉得假期永远不够多。) Amy 听了在一旁附和说: I can't agree with you anymore. 结果John 就露出有点疑惑的神情。原来是Amy 这句英文讲错了,才让John 搞不清楚意思,一起想想到底哪边说错了吧!
However, instead of devoting themselves to their work, they find themselves working to support the to which they have so quickly become . People often speak of trying a more satisfying path, and the end the idea of leaving, their jobs to work for something ...