First of all, the Great Story establishes in the very beginning that when Adam and Eve used their free will to do the one thing that was forbidden to them, it introduced a spiritual problem within humanity called sin. The spiritual problem resulted in a subsequent problem: physical death. Th...
I have been soaping my paws while warbling two rounds of my childhood summer camp favorite:Scab Sandwich. If you don’t know the tune, you could improvise your own; in case you haven’t heard the lyrics – and in that case, what kind of rock did you grow up under?
We have all kinds of arcane knowledge that nobody outside our culture knows or cares about, especially around serving two-year missions. Latter-day Saints know what the MTC is (even if they mishear it as “empty sea” when they’re little, like I did) and can recount their parents’ ...
Well, in a very short while, perhaps even 2-3 weeks, the business would have no money, and likely, huge debt. But no-one (except governments!) can spend money (or credit) that they don’t have, so logically there will come a time when all access to funds runs out and a business...
None of us have seen the golden plates. No one has, not even Joseph Smith (who fabricated their existence). What about ‘true?’ Shouldn’t they really say “Ibelievethe church istruthful?”‘True’ loses its meaning within the LDS realm. ...
Faith in humanity, and faith that those people who land somewhere like here asking question like this are the people who: 1. Know what they don't know, and have the humility to ask for help. 2. Are internet-savvy enough to know they should seek more than 1 opinion on the internet...
*As soon as I typed that, I could imagine someone objecting to that characterization. But I’m going to pretend to have faith in humanity and keep the sentence. ,News/Misc.,Saturday Miscellany Odds ‘n ends about books and readingthat caught my eye this week. You’ve probably seen some...
[her] humanity”. She has been thinking about what it would be like to be alive 100 years from now. She believes there are ways to live in this moment that subvert the “colonial lefto - vers” of America, and other structures of governance to explore. “I don’t...
(that’s Massively Multimedia Online Games for those of us mortals) and one attendant sleeping on the couch obviously unnerved by the noise and the sea of humanity (this is a 24-hour internet shop, so yeah, I have the heart to understand, too), while the other attendant is blasting his...
With the flurry of actions his team has taken, many people I follow have been trying to make sense of it all. I’m no exception. So I wrote out this list of what I think are the things that motivate him or are in his comfort zone: making money being the center of attention / goo...