P148148. Learn Italian Fast Phrases - Can you say that in Italian slowly 00:46 P149149. Learn Italian Fast Phrases - What have you done recently 00:41 P150150. Learn Italian Fast Phrases - I Feel Really Happy 00:46 P151151. Learn Italian Fast Phrases - Hope in Italian 00:46 P152152...
同学好,首先italiano作阳性名词表示“意大利语;意大利人”,那么l'italiano表示“意大利语/意大利人”(具体要看上下文或语境);d'italiano表示“意大利语的”比如uno studente d'italiano一名意大利语的学生,un libro d'italiano一本意大利语的书;in italiano表示在意大利语中/用意大利语。祝同学学习顺利! 版权...
igs interiorgatewayro igspp igt adj i have a lot of money i have confidence the i have long been look ihma i hope youll remember ihre brille ihren paandszlig ihr pron ihr seid ii-furniture design i ii-interior design st ii-vi optics sin iis information servi i journey i just have one...
if we give in if we had been in the if we have finished o if we hire you how lo if we keep trying if we never get down if we stay here were if when god spoke if woman played if yoiu leave me now if you agreewith your if you are forward of if you are male you c if you...
例句:Da quanto tempo studi italiano? dà verbo dare, presente indicativo,terza persona singolare (lui, lei, Lei) 例句:Marco dà un regalo a Sara. 例句:Elena dà un bacio a Giorgio. da' imperativo, seconda persona singolare (tu) 例句:Paolo, dove vai? Da' un bacio alla mamma!
LaTeXi - Template Italiano LaTeXi nasce dal template che Antonio Uccio Verardi (aka @poros) ha incominciato a passare ai propri amici come bootstrap (o copia-incolla, che dir si voglia) per le loro tesi di laurea. Da buon informatico, @poros l'ha poi commentato, ripulito e messo ...
Italy strove hard to set up and use lines away from the Yugoslav territory which resulted in her support to Austria and her territorial aspirations. Furthermore, the authors concentrated on military clashes which happened in Carinthia - the Italian military encroached upon it on June ...
the countries I dislike the most are...in no particular order 这个在 中文 (简体) 里怎么说? i'm calling you by your last name 这个在 中文 (简体) 里怎么说? it's pronounce like this in english 这个在 中文 (简体) 里怎么说? stop trying to change the subject 这个在 中文 (简体) 里怎...
aThe very reason I am interested in establishing a friendship with you is because I feel I have alot to offer you in the way of a friendship and I know I have alot to share with you that will be of interest to you and even some things that will surprise you. I am very much a ma...
Traduci in italiano Dear Valued Customer, Thank you very much for staying at Imm Thaphae Hotel during your recent visit in Chiang Mai and taken time to complete the review. We are pleased to learn that you have enjoyed our location located in front of the Thaphae gate, the historic landma...