If we didn't act now, there would be more plastic in the ocean than fish by 2050. Luckily, more and more people around the world have realized this problem. They begin to think about ___22___ plastic straws are ...
If you haven’t had the chance to explore New Zealand yourself, you might have to do with browsing stuff online; but, since you’re already here, at least you won’t have to look too far. Today we want to show you some things that make New Zealand special, covering everything from ...
Kia ora …. Your COVID-19 isolation period has ended. If you feel well you can now return to all normal daily activities including work. If you continue to feel unwell please contact your local healthcare provider. For more information see https://covid19.health.nz/advice/positive ...
Rock and roll is more waiting than playing.Dom Marianiknows it well. He’s on the line from a hotel in Melbourne whereThe Stemsare poised to undertake their first Australian tour this week in five years (thanks COVID) before taking off on a sweep through Spain and Italy. ...
我们今日的练习内容来自The Globe and Mail的读者散文系列,标题为I got the COVID-19 vaccine. And I feel guilty,朗读部分为文章的开头。 作者描述的是自己接种新冠病毒疫苗的故事,以及接种时自己的感受。Feel guilty指的是「感到羞愧...
I’ll just have to settle for stumbling across books set there. This is the tale of a guy who left home a decade ago after tragedy and returns now, expecting the family home to be in ruins. However, a woman escaping a harsh religious sect has been keeping the place in shape. Commence...
The COVID-19-related factors linked to reduced HIV engagement have not been assessed among postpartum women with HIV, who are at heightened risk of attrition under non-pandemic circumstances. To mitigate the effects of the pandemic on care engagement and to prepare for future public health ...
iBvCCvidQstyEQXUX+BsFVBPl5iZ+MRqkxbwvZ7TUezjHZCrgM7wG6UZa8pjN0UIrEWZFLxKKrdc KUjsJzE4lq7s/9rG7G4ip1hTr1Fkmf8+HTlQ+qDUD1SqF3r5XVMnYMo2TEQCZtdhv0HArtQeInFC e+8PdJ3zu4sAkNqDkEhrQj5EYuco8JWIne0fHuyY9tAW60yAX0lrL3G67WVJynCijl5CTuVD73BE 1FJCuYYAGQFGBXvZ5WysEIQG291i9dI077...
-import {Socket} from "phoenix" - -let socket = new Socket("/socket", {params: {token: window.userToken}}) - -// When you connect, you'll often need to authenticate the client. -// For example, imagine you have an authentication plug, `MyAuth`, -// which authenticates the ...
近日,全球儿科呼吸联盟(GPPA)来自中国、俄罗斯、美国、以色列、爱尔兰、澳大利亚、新加坡、印度尼西亚等世界各国的儿科专家在《世界儿科杂志》(WJP)发表关于COVID-19大流行下加强儿童季节性流感预防的倡议。下面,跟随小编一起来详细解读吧! 全...