I got chills reading it. I've had a single connection between eBay and a bank for 25 years and I will NEVER change it, even though I no longer actively bank at that institution any longer, lest my entire seller account unravel. I shudder at the thought of ever / ever having to ...
I had completely forgotten that I had done a2017 predictions in musicpost at the start of the year. A Raven Symoné-esque gaze into the future, it was not. Upon reflection, some of the themes I had expected to come true have, while others, just like my diminishing annual promise to get...
Don’t tell me you haven’t had those moments: finding steals so irresistible they melt your steely resolve away. I wish I didn’t know whatS–A–L–Emeans and that it didn’t have to be in a come-hither, sin-red color emblazoned across store fronts or stuck in strategic places and...
I can tell you that I’m not naïve, not in any way. If anyone would have picked up on a sexual comment or a funny look, it would have been me. And why is that you might ask?
How about a few thrills and chills? Have I got the books for you. Both Alexander Andrews’ Who is Maude Dixon? (Little, Brown, digital galley) and Jean Hanff Korelitz’s The Plot (Celadon Books, library e-book) are clever takes on the perils of literary impersonation and plagiarism. And...
‘ which raises chilling prospects and then chills from another, unexpected direction, and Miriam Jones’s winning essay‘Care and cooperativism in early childhood‘, which argues that early childhood workers are ideally placed to take on the project of finding alternatives to capitalist ways of ...
I could totally get used to this climate. Day after day of sunshine, as consistent as the last. And if it’s a bit overcast today, don’t worry – mañana, it will be hot and sunny again. It’s the knowledge that it will be lovely again tomorrow that chills us out, I think. ...
“It took a while for [the line] to become what it became, but eventually yes, after that first year it came out it kinda became… I guess you would call it a ‘meme’ now. I was lucky there was no Twitter at the time – not just because the ending would have been spoiled ...
Her confession that led to THE KISS! It wasn’t a dead fish kiss, yay! It could have been done better but it was far from bad. I can’t be choosy, I am just happy they did not drag this. JA-MK hugging i their fur coats, they look like fluffy kittens. ...
to considerably diminishing returns. I'm more inclined to compare this to, say,Voyager's "Scorpion," which was a compelling cliffhanger in its own right, but by no means one that produced those same thrills and chills. (For me, the last show that was able to really do cliffhangers chill...