“We are living in one of the most unequal periods in modern history…. Wealthy interests have an outsize influence on our politics and our lawmaking. Corporations can buy more political influence than voters can demand for regular people. Whenever you see a radically unfit candidate running for ...
Download & Print I'm Gonna Getcha Good! for guitar (chords) by Shania Twain. Guitar chords only, lyrics and melody may be included. High-Quality PDF to download.
To some it may seem like a comeback, but for many like me, it never left. This film has meant so much to me in my life: it’s like a good friend I met in college who stayed close to me four decades later. I can watch it any time, anywhere, and I often have since it first...
Then, all four of us manned the control desk, and each of us had three or four faders to work with. We moved the faders up and down and changed the chords of the 13 chromatic scale notes as the chords of the song changed — 13 tracks on a 16-track tape, fed through the control ...
By saying that, I am not*at all*dismissing or explaining away those legitimate concerns which lead some people to choose not to have children – concerns Imoiselfhad at one time, and still due to an extent. I was one of those Not Gonna Do It ® people; I changed my mind as the ...
Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, go back to the slums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed. Let us not wallow in the valley of despair. ...
Where Would I Be Chords and Lyrics – Patrick Ryan Clark I was lost, You took me in I came to You with all my sin I need You Every breath I need You My afflictions and my pain Each addiction I can’t break I need You Every breath I need You...
I got my first roomba. It has changed my life. It mapped out my house minus the rooms I don’t want it to vacuum and does a fantastic job. It has a bit of learning curve and there were a few hair balls to start but after a week there isn’t any. Today I deci...
“At the time I didn’t know if it was good,” he recalls. “I knew it was interesting and a different sounding song. But it wasn’t like I was sitting there thinking, ‘I just wrote a hit.’ "The melody was dictating where the chords were going. I remember telling Gary, ‘...
“But writing also comes from discovering. I love guitar and how chords sound and what happens if you bring the melody down to a different octave or you go to a new key. I think so much of learning on your instrument – and maybe it’s a metaphor for life – is about the exploratio...