While I loved so many of the maple syrup stouts I have had before, this one takes leaps and leaps and just keeps going. Definitely the right beer to end the year with and if you can find or trade for it, make sure you get it. A true bucket lister! Anime Corner: Etna from the ...
I loved how the anime explores themes of love, loss, and self-discovery, all set to an amazing soundtrack. The supporting characters add depth and humor. I'm eagerly awaiting season 2! If you're looking for an emotional and captivating anime, look no further. Be prepared to be hooked!
It hasn’t always been the smoothest ride but as the finish line becomes visible, I can’t say I’m not glad I stuck it out on the Granbelm journey. To know what I’m talking about, you can read my episode review over on 100 Word Anime. But part of the fun is also that Granbe...
i dont even know i dont care if you re i dont need you to sa i doze off on the tra i drank it i dream so much i dried the dishes i drove out of i dunno man i earned i eat a lot i eat instant noodles i ection certificate i ended bits i enjoy anime i enjoy reading engli ...
We are having a pretty great season of anime if you ask me. And that’s a bit of a bad thing for a show like Ron Kamonohashi. I really enjoy this show and I was pleasantly surprised by it. But I can’t deny that it’s light as air. It’s a sort of make you smile,… ...
I originally loved anime so much! For example Haruhi, Durarara, but I became a professional thanks to the i☆Ris audition. I passed the audition, became a member of i☆Ris, and that’s how I began my career! Originally, I wanted to be a singer so I went to school to study singing...
id never treat you ba id reassure her if i ill admit that shes g ill always see your s ill be all ears liste ill be by your side ill be the reason for ill catch grey hound ill drink to those ill find my way homej ill get even with him ill get out of califo ill let you hol...
While I loved so many of the maple syrup stouts I have had before, this one takes leaps and leaps and just keeps going. Definitely the right beer to end the year with and if you can find or trade for it, make sure you get it. A true bucket lister! Anime Corner: Etna from the ...
FFXV’s entire selling point was that it was about a group of close friends on a road trip together. When I played the game at launch, huge amounts of backstory and character development had been off-loaded to a movie and a five-episode anime miniseries. In addition to that, the main...
I can’t help falling in love with it! The smartness of this drama is that it’s always in a gloomy atmosphere. The ending was too sad. Almost everyone died. 😦 Continue reading→ Well, sinceWar & Beauty IIwill soon be aired in April, I rewatchedWar & Beauty Iand found it still...