I was thanking Him for the fact that I have a friend in Jesus. It’s not that we don’t need people around us, but sometimes the very best thing to do with our heavy hearts is to worship God and thank Him for the very fact that we are never ever alone. He is with us every ...
Have a good life. Be a good friend. And try to be completely who you are. — Angelina Jolie 5 Being Perfectly Imperfect Quotes The closer you come to Jesus, the more faulty you will appear in your own eyes; for your vision will be clearer, and your imperfections will be seen in br...
My Jesus I Love Thee What a Friend We Have in Jesus To God Be the Glory When We All Get to Heaven Leaning on the Everlasting Arms His Eyes in the Sparrow Hymn Arrangements on Sheet Music Plus! Website page for Advanced Hymn ...
Do you have a 1:1? Do you have a team meeting? Do you have status reports? Can you say No to your boss? Can you explain the strategy of the company to a stranger? Can you explain the current state of business? Does the guy/gal in charge regularly stand up in front of everyone ...
I’ve had a lifelong distaste for that question, but first gave serious thought as to why over two decades ago, when a friend told me about his recent business trip to Europe, during which he had some interesting conversations with “the natives.” He shared the story of how, when he’...
Have the parasites in your brain from cat shit made you a satanic homosexual yet? It is around the time of year, the most wonderful time of year, where all the Atheists and non-believers decide to be offended that you’re celebrating Jesus. They rage when you remind them it is Jesus...
The True Life & Teachings of Jesus You Won’t Find In The Bible, Now On YouTube!! We are blessed to have Phoenix Journal #2, on YouTube.Read more August 11, 2024 This Will Change The World Forever!! Jesus (Sananda) Stunning Announcement On His Return!! I am Close to My Arrival ...
Finally, the pieces have come together and several final editors have helped me tidy this up (Thank you Brian, Nick, and Dexter!) and it is ready to put out there for the world to ruminate on… Here’s the link: Then some Pharisees and scribes *came to Jesus from Jerusalem and said...
My two uncles on my mother's side have Zoroastrian and Mithraism birthdays. One of them is for on AID, the Persian New Year. Mithraism: Most important date is December 25th. The early Christians, somewhere around 200 A.D. changed the date of Jesus Christ's birthday to December 25th. I...
“She’s so pure and innocent,” God whispered, “I bet it was something like holding hands with a boy in choir.” “I’m not so sure,” I smiled, “the bible-thumpers often have some perverse fantasies. That’s what happens when you repress sexuality for so long.” “We’ll see...