and i got to tell you and i guess that im c and i hate you and i heard her sing and i hope and i hope you have a and i i got to be str and i just want you t and i know just why and i know that im st and i know too much t and i know we didnt m and i leaned ...
We use cookies for various purposes including analytics. By continuing to use Pastebin, you agree to our use of cookies as described in the Cookies Policy. OK, I Understand Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features!
He’s actually married… He’s fucking given her his surname… He said till death do us part to this woman, when I have no doubt that he was thinking of me that day… I hate that she’s got the life that I want & that he doesn’t think that he’s good enough for me. I hat...
(一)阳光明媚,生命美好,心情愉悦的景色描写 1. The beach to your right stretches off(延伸) to the horizon, slowly narrowing to nothingness(虚无), only to re-emerge(重新出现)again on your left. 2. When I was bathed in the sunlight, it felt like...
12. Is Halloween your favorite holiday? It’s tied for Christmas but yes, they’re fighting for the number-one spot of love in my soul. 13. Pumpkin spice latte or hot chocolate? Mulled Cider (with ze alcohols), apple anything is my fall drink, but I hate pumpkin everything (except ...
18. She told me, as I departed, that she’d hate to be in my position. 我离开的时候 她告诉我,她可不愿意接替我的位臵。 19. Cease-fires in the Mideast have an unhappy habit of becoming unstuck.中东地区 的停火协议总是不能持久,令人不快。 20. He told us of his success with ...
Not those hairy stinky “super natural” armpits that you could see in insanely “free” Europe or US, keep your teachings to yourself. Just look at your “super democratical” elections, such a shame! And this countries and people still trying to teach everyone how we have to live. Do ...
Aug 15, 2005: Just When You Thought You Couldn't Hate Him Any More... Aug 13, 2005: Just Because It's Cliche Doesn't Mean It's Passe Aug 10, 2005: A Post You'll Eventually Wish Was About Nothing Aug 07, 2005: How About '<i>The One Where Christopher Walken Is All Creepy</i...
One strand I’ve noticed in Valentine’s hate is that there’s a lot of men whinging about how it’s them who has to spend loads of money on the womenfolk, so maybe there’s an insidious MRA type of flavour hanging around in the background like an old stinky fart in a stairwell. ...
He grins. “Alright, Kamala thanks for your honesty. You would lose like I told Pelosi. So I’m picking the path where I win. Maybe by 2028, America will be ready for a Black woman for president!” Joe kisses Kamala good-bye on the cheek, sniffs her hair, and walks off, whistling...